Arbeitsblatt: Vocab test 2.1 new ispiration
Englisch Voci Test 2.1 (New Inspiration)
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7. Schuljahr
4 Seiten
N_Zahnd (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
English German voll expensive Kostüm billig kalt farbig celebrate Schlagzeuger dry freundlich Tänzer exciting foreign wellknown Grösse heiss usual (as usual) Bühne ruhig dauern laut judge alt beliebt safe Unit 2, Lesson 1: Vocabulary Test Translate: English full German voll expensive teuer costume Kostüm cheap billig cold kalt colourful farbig celebrate feiern drummer Schlagzeuger dry trocken friendly freundlich dancer Tänzer exciting aufregend foreign ausländisch wellknown bekannt size Grösse hot heiss usual (as usual) gewöhnlich stage Bühne quiet ruhig last dauern noisy loud laut judge Richter old alt popular beliebt safe sicher Carnival in Rio Fülle die Lücken mit den folgenden Wörtern aus. celebrate choose cost giant holds including In Brazil, people costumes dancers loud other own famous world carnival in February or March. Every region has its festival, but carnival in Rio is the most go to it, exciting parades It lasts four days and millions of people 300000 foreign visitors. Its bigger than any Brazilian carnival and better, say the cariocas (the people of Rio). There are two nights of in the streets and in the 90000 people. Some parades have thousands of amazing samba stadium, which all in the most and 600 to 800 drummers. Each parade lasts ten to twelve hours and the judges nonstop the best dancers. There are also allnight carnival balls with music. At carnival, Rio is the most city in the world, but it is also one of the most expensive hotels and taxis four times as much as usual. But thats because Rio has the biggest and most spectacular carnival in the