Arbeitsblatt: Talking about Job Routines


Übung zum Present Simple in Form von Routineaufgaben. Kann zu anderen Themenbereichen als dem beruflichen geändert werden
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1 Seiten




Miriam Korczak
Land: Deutschland
Registriert vor 2006

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Mr. McRollin walks into your bakery. He is very chatty guy gesprächiger Typ), so he starts to talk you: My daughter is thinking of becoming bakery sales assistant just like you. She loves pastries and baking. May ask you some questions about your job? You: Sure. McRollin: What time do you usually get to work? Is it the same every day? And how does typical day in the bakery look like for you? mean, from getting there to leaving it in the afternoon. The bakery is full of customers and you are very busy. So you tell Mr. McRollin that you will write him an email with description (Beschreibung) of your daily routines (tägliche Routine/täglicher Ablauf at work. Here are some useful tips to talk about your daily routines: To talk about the times of the day: In the morning (until 12 1 pm) In the afternoon (from 1 pm – 6 pm) In the evening (from 6 pm until 12 pm or until you go to bed) At night (after about 12 pm or until the early morning) When we give specific time, we use at: leave home at 8 oclock. Useful words and phrases: Usually normalerweise, für gewöhnlich Every day every other day jeden Tag, jeden zweiten Tag Then danach, dann After (doing something) I. . Nachdem ich (etwas gemacht worden ist) At work auf der Arbeit (but: in the bakery!) Lunch break to eat/have lunch Mittagspause, zu Mittag essen To get off work Feierabend haben (I get off work at)