Arbeitsblatt: present continuous


Theorieblatt zu diesem Grammatikthema
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




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New World 3 TH Unit 2: present continuous 1. Formation of the present participle (–ing form) • With most verbs we add –ing to the verb. talk – talking • With verbs ending in consonant e, we delete the –e and add –ing. take – taking come – coming • With one syllable verbs ending in one vowel one consonant, we double the final consonant and add -ing. run – running stop – stopping But: we dont double letter mix – mixing • With verbs with two or more syllables ending in one vowel one consonant, we double the final consonant if the last syllable is stressed, and add –ing. begin – beginning BUT visit – visiting • With verbs ending in one vowel l, we double the –l and add –ing. travel – travelling BUT • With verbs ending in –ie, we change the –ie to –ying. lie – lying go – going sail – sailing die dying 2. We use the present continuous: • For actions that are happening now, at the moment of speaking. Mary is talking on the phone. The bus is coming. • For actions that are happening around now, but not exactly at the moment of speaking. Shes studying very hard these days. Expressions used with the Present Continuous: look! at present listen! these days now this morning at the moment today 3. stative verbs Some verbs that express permanent states are not normally used in the Present Continuous. These are called stative verbs. • • Verbs of the senses: see, hear, taste, smell, feel Verbs describing feelings: like, dislike, love, hate, want, prefer • Verbs describing thoughts, beliefs, etc: think, believe, know, understand, guess, imagine, hope, remember, forget • Other verbs: seem, appear, weigh, cost ,own, belong to, depend on Unit 1 NW3 kl1 E1 und E2: TH present continuous bg