Arbeitsblatt: Reading Test Unit 3 New World 5


Ein Leseverstehen zum Thema "Verschmutzung der Meere"
Lesen / Literatur
9. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Petra Soller
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Reading Test New World 5 Sek Name: Mark: 1. Say whether the following sentences are true, false or not in the text. tru fals ??? The tiny, swirling plastic bits are nothing to worry about. Much of the rubbish of the eastern Pacific Garbage Patch is floating with the stream. The eastern Pacific Garbage Patch cant be seen on photographs taken from up in the air. Fishermen and Sailors didnt care about the garbage, thats why only Captain Moore brought the area into the public sphere. Marine garbage can be found all around the world. Fishing nets are more dangerous for marine life than the rubbish. The garbage in the sea only affects (betrifft) marine life. 2. Choose the correct answer. Some countries . plastic bags to fight against the problem. reduce the amount of (vermeiden) dont allow avoid What helps making the plastic bits smaller? the water of the sea bacteria the sun and the heat Why is there such big garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean? because of the stream and the current because the US and Japan produce the most garbage because theres an island that collects garbage You could to help solving the problem use the same bottles again and again not use toothpaste anymore complain to the companies that make plastic bags 3. Find other English words for the following words. rotating the equivalent of frequently the majority of massive 4. Translate these words in German. The text (context) will help you understand them. over the course of gear shorelines reach impacts Ocean Tra Garbage patches in the ocean arent piledup 1 islands of trash and debris2, as is the common perception3. But that doesnt mean the tiny, swirling plastic bits are nothing to worry about. In the Pacific Ocean, four ocean currents get together and form the North Pacific gyre, also known as the North Pacific Subtropical High, which goes from the western US to Japan, and from Hawaii to California. This enormous rotating stream has collected floating garbage from across the Pacific, but much of the garbage can typically be found in the calm center of this rotating area, often referred to as the eastern Pacific garbage patch. Keep in mind, however, that this is no island or blanket of trash that can be seen with satellite or aerial photographs—most of the floating trash is tiny pieces of plastic, many of them so small that they are invisible to the human eye. The small size of the trash pieces left the garbage patch largely unnoticed until the early 1990s, when Captain Charles Moore sailed through rarely traveled area between Hawaii and the mainland. Over the course of week, despite4 being hundreds of miles away from land, Moore watched continuous stream of plastic trash float by. Although fishermen and sailors have noted the garbage in this area for years, it was Captain Moore who brought the area into the public sphere. 1 angehäufte 2 Ablagerungen/Trümmerstücke 3 Auffassung/ Sichtweise 4 obwohl While the garbage patch has received lot of attention because of its size, it is not the only area where marine trash can be found: marine garbage affects waters and coastlines around the world. 2014 study estimated5 that 8 million tons of plastic trash enter the sea from land every year—the equivalent of five plastic bags filled with trash for every foot of coastline around the world. Animals frequently become entangled6 in large pieces of rubbish, and can be cut, drowned 7, or slowed down by dragging8 the extra weight. Additionally, heavy gear, such as fishing nets, can damage reefs and other important habitats. Because of its durability9, low cost, and our increased use in recent years, plastic makes up the majority of marine garbage seen on shorelines and floating in oceans worldwide. This creates difficult problem because most plastics are not biodegradable10 (bacteria dont break them down into simple, harmless components the way they do paper or wood). Instead, as plastic gets older, the sun light and heat break it into smaller and smaller pieces. This tiny plastic confetti, along with larger pieces of floating plastic, creates big problem. Birds and filter feeders that collect food out of the water may mistake plastic for plankton, fish eggs, or other food. Birds parents accidentally feed their chicks bits of plastic, which fill up their stomachs and cause them to starve 11. Deepsea fish living near the garbage patch eat the tiny bits of plastic. Even in the protected waters of the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument along the northwestern Hawaiian Islands, our trash threatens12 endangered species13 like Hawaiian monk seals and green sea turtles. This massive global problem is not hopeless. Some countries and states have banned plastic bags, trend that will continue with public support. Participating 5 schätzte 6 Verwickelt/verknotet 7 ertränkt 8 ziehen 9 langlebigkeit 10 Biologisch abbaubar 11 verhungern 12 gefährden 13 Bedrohte Tierarten in beach or park cleanups is an easy way to reduce the amount of trash that reaches natural waters. You can avoid exfoliating soaps14 and toothpastes with tiny plastic microbeads, and complain to the companies that make them. And you can help every day by avoiding plastic packaging wherever possible, bringing reusable 15 bags to the grocery store, and drinking from reusable water bottles or coffee mugs. Scientists with agencies such as NOAA, and other institutions around the world, continue to research the impacts of marine garbage, including the area of plastic that is less than 5mm and its impacts on our marine ecosystems. 14 Peeling-Seifen 15 wiederverwendbar