Arbeitsblatt: Leseverstehen Cheerleading


New World 4, Unit 3, zusätzliches Leseverstehen zum Thema Cheerleading
Lesen / Literatur
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Tiziana Wyss
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Leseverstehen zum Thema „Cheerleading Cheerleading is an activity in which the participants cheer (anfeuern) for their team as form of encouragement (Unterstützung). It can range from chanting slogans to intense physical activity. It can be performed (aufgeführt) to motivate sports teams, entertain the audience or for competition (Wettkampf). competition last (dauern) from one to three minutes and contain components of tumbling, dance, jumps, cheers. Organized cheerleading started as male (männliche) activity in 1877. In 1923, at the University of Minnesota, women were permitted (erlaubt) to participate in cheerleading. However, it took time for other schools to follow. In 1930, many schools and newspapers that were published still referred (beziehen) to cheerleaders as „a man activity. Women cheerleaders were overlooked (übersehen, nicht beachtet) until the 1940s. In the 1940s, men were drafted (gebraucht) for World War II, creating the opportunity for more women to participate in cheerleading. High school cheerleading contains aspects of school spirit as well as competition. Starting with tryouts (Auswahl) in the spring, then having training the whole summer and in fall and winter they participate on cheerleading competitions and cheer for their school team. During the school year, cheerleading is usually practiced five to six-days-a-week. Each training last for around two hours. During competition season, it often becomes seven days with practice twice day sometimes. Questions 1) Kreuze die richtige Antwort an: Was ist die Hauptaufgabe beim Cheerleaden? Die Tickets im Stadium zu kontrollieren Das Team mit Anfeuerungsrufen zu unterstützen Das gegnerische Team mit Tomaten zu bewerfen 2) Wie lange dauert ein Auftritt der Cheerleader? . . 3) Kreuze die richtige Antwort an: War Cheerleading zu Beginn eher eine Aktivität für Männer oder Frauen? Männer Aktivität Frauen Aktivität 4) Was war der Grund, weshalb die Männer nicht weiterhin cheerleaden konnten? . . 5) Wie viel mal trainieren die Cheerleader während eines Schuljahres? . . 6) Kreuze die richtige Antwort an: Wie lange dauert ein Training? 2 Stunden 1 Stunde 30 Minuten