Arbeitsblatt: bildbeschreibung


Hilfreiche Formulierungen um ein Bild zu beschreiben
Texte schreiben
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




morgan (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Useful expressions to describe picture Introduction The photo/picture shows . It was taken by/in . It black-and-white/coloured photo. What is in the picture In the picture can see . Theres There are . There isnt . There arent any . What is where? In the foreground/background you can see . In the foreground/background there is . In the middle/centre there are . At the top/At the bottom there is . On the left/right there are . Behind/In front of . you can see . Between . there is . At the top/bottom of the picture In the middle of the picture . On the left/right of the picture . next to in front of behind near on top of under Who is doing what? Here you describe the persons in the picture or you say what is happening just now. Use the Present Progressive. The man is .ing The people are .ing The woman is wearing green shirt. Its raining.