Arbeitsblatt: Englisch (7. - 9. Schuljahr). New Inspiration 2, unit 7.1 Arbeitsblatt


Arbeitsblatt zu unit 7.1, New Inspiration 2. Didaktisiert, pre-while-post-task framework
Lesen / Literatur
8. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Michael Stalder
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Unit 7.1 Reading guide for Im celebrity – get me out of here! Page 88, New Inspiration II students book Words marked with * can be found in the glossary (last page) Before reading 1) Look at the picture on page 88, read the title and the descriptions. a) What do you know about the TV show Im celebrity* – get me out of here! (deutsch: Dschungelcamp) b) Do you know any similar (ähnliche) TV shows? Which ones? c) Which of the words in the box (bottom left of page 88) do you expect to find in the text? While reading START HERE Skimming (Text überfliegen) First, read the glossary (last page). Next, read the question, then look at the text and give an answer as quickly as possible. Do not read every single word. 2) What is the text about? Put tick () against the right sentence. a) Its an interview with participant (Teilnehmer) of Im celebrity* – get me out of here!. b) Its personal report written by participant (Teilnehmer) about his her experience in the jungle. c) Its general article, maybe from magazine, about the TV show Im celebrity* – get me out of here!. d) Its an advertisement (Werbung), looking for new participants (Teilnehmer) for the TV show. 3) What is the organisation (structure) of the text? There are three paragraphs (Abschnitte). Match the content with the right paragraph (draw line): Paragraph 1 The rules in the camp Paragraph 2 Introduction (Einführung) Paragraph 3 Why life is difficult for the celebrities* in the show. Scanning (Text durchsuchen) 5) Read the questions first. Then, look at the text and give the answer as quickly as possible. a) Paragraph 1: How long do the celebrities* stay in the camp? Check in the glossary for words you dont know. b) Paragraph 2: There are strict rules (strenge Regeln) about what things or items* the celebrities* may have in the jungle camp. What things do they get (receive) as basic supplies? Put tick against the box if the thing item is given. mobile phone knives forks (Gabeln) shampoo spaghetti insect spray hat beans c) Paragraph 2: In the first week, the celebrities* must do different things to win extra food. What things? Please name two examples. d) Paragraph 2: What do the TV viewers choose and decide (two things)? 1. 2. e) Paragraph 2: What happens to [the last person left]* in the jungle? f) Paragraph 3: What do the celebrities* complain* about? g) Paragraph 3: How many people work for the TV show (programme)? After reading 6) Speaking activity: Work with partner and ask him the following questions: a) What do you think about the TV show Im celebrity – get me out of here!? b) Do you like this type of TV show (reality TV)? What do you like/dislike about it? c) Which other types of TV show (for example sport shows, news, documentaries etc.) do you like, and why? d) Whats your personal, most favourite TV show? 7) Evaluation of the reading process a) On scale between 1 – 4 (1: very easy, 2: easy, 3: quite difficult, 4: very difficult), how difficult did you find the text? b) Did the activities questions help you to understand the text? c) Did you learn anything you did not know before? What? Glossary Paragraph 1 up to fortnight during that time hidden cameras bis zu zwei Wochen während dieser Zeit versteckte Kameras Paragraph 2 Each person can take. luxury item mustnt (must not) such as basic supplies matches chopping board hat cooking pot log fire treatment celebrity task contestants fortunately become the last person left for charity Jede Person kann. (ins Camp) mitnehmen Luxusartikel etwas nicht dürfen so wie zum Beispiel Grundvorrat Zündhölzer Schneidbrett Hut Kochtopf Holzfeuer (medizinische) Behandlung Star Berühmtheit Aufgabe Teilnehmer (des Dschungelcamps) glücklicherweise werden die letzte Person, die übrig bleibt für gute Zwecke Paragraph 3 complain about the shows presenters sich beschweren über die Moderatoren der Sendung