Arbeitsblatt: Reading Strategies Sek 1


Some proposals for learners
Lesen / Literatur
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Florence Herzog
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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How to improve your reading competence Easy strategies that will help you understand text! Make predictions Before you start reading: Guess what the textreading: is about Before you start write it down. My first impression Check your predictions after youve look at the text readHave the text. Were you right? genre/layout/titles and pictures. It gives you hints about what the Set isyour ownwith learning goal text dealing and what its 1 purpose is. What do you want to achieve when you read the text? Write down goal you want to reach before you What already know start with do theIreading activity. about topic? Read the title(s) and pictures. Other helpful Think aboutstrategies: your own experiences with this topic. 1)_ What do you already know? Dictionary Guess the While youmeaning read the text: While you read the text: Look up words you do not Take notes understand. But try to guess what they mean first. Look at the For example: sentences around the word you do not understand – does it write make For each paragraph, down sense one ornow? two important words Write the main idea of each paragraph in strategies: one sentence Other helpful 1) Use colours! You can use colours as follows: Highlight what you think are Quickly read through the text and 2)_ try to get main idea of the texts topic. important passages or words 2)_ Highlight words you dont know Highlight information that helps you answer the3) questions Highlight what is interesting special surprising to you 3) Skim text Check your predictions (from After youve read the text: before) After youve read the text: Were you right? What is different? Discuss theWhy? text with your friends Did you understand the text Draw conclusions the same way as the others? What are your opinions? think, read, therefore Why? 1. yourthe owntext opinion. Reflect Go through together 2. What again.did Youyou canlearn help from eachthe text? other to understand the text 3. Compare your opinion with even more! the text. 4. Write down what you Put information into an realised. overview For example: Other helpful strategies: Put text into chronological 1)_ (time) order Make list: which information in the text are more important than others? Make concept map to show the connection 2)_ between certain people or incidents from the text