Arbeitsblatt: Lernziele zu Open World Unit 9
Gemischte Themen
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Christina Fruehauf
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Unit 9 (Part 1) Exam: Thursday, 31st of May (or 7th of June 2018) know different styles of music and am able to express what like and what dislike about them am able to write about habits and use adverbs of Frequencies (every day, never, often) can name different instruments can use question tags know how to build the past perfect and am able to use it know the whole vocabulary of the unit 9 and can translate easy sentences Unit 9 (Part 1) Exam: Thursday, 31st of May (or 7th of June 2018) know different styles of music and am able to express what like and what dislike about them am able to write about habits and use adverbs of Frequencies (every day, never, often) can name different instruments can use question tags know how to build the past perfect and am able to use it know the whole vocabulary of the unit 9 and can translate easy sentences Unit 9 (Part 1) Exam: Thursday, 31st of May (or 7th of June 2018) know different styles of music and am able to express what like and what dislike about them am able to write about habits and use adverbs of Frequencies (every day, never, often) can name different instruments can use question tags know how to build the past perfect and am able to use it know the whole vocabulary of the unit 9 and can translate easy sentences