Arbeitsblatt: Mundharmonika Perfect Ed Sheeran
Zweistimmige Begleitung für Mundharmonika zum Lied "Perfect" von Ed Sheeran im Duett mit Beyoncé
(A3 Format)
2 Seiten
Chiceria (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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PERFECT DUET ED SHEERAN BEYONCÉ – MUNDHARMONIKA BEGLEITUNG Intro 1. Stimme 4 3 2. Stimme Strofe 1. Stimme 4 3 2. Stimme found Vorrefrain 1. Stimme Cause we were just kids when we Refrain 1. Stimme Baby, 4 2 for me, Oh darling, just 4 2 fell in love, Not knowing 4 2 2. Stimme 2. Stimme love 4 3 2. Stimme Bridge 1. Stimme 4 2 4 2 Im 4 3 in the 3 1 dive what it was, will not 3 1 dark 4 2 3 1 give 3 1 you up this 4 2 you between my arms, 4 2 lead, 4 3 4 2 with 4 3 right in and follow my 4 2 4 3 dancing 3 1 4 3 Barefoot on the Well, found grass, girl 4 2 beautiful and 4 3 ti- 3 1 4 2 sweet, 4 2 me, But darling, just kiss 4 2 4 2 listening to our favorit Oh, never knew 4 2 me slow, your heart is 4 3 song, When you 3 1 all 3 1 said you looked mess, whispered eyes, 4 2 underneath youre holding 4 3 my breath 2. Stimme 4 3 Well, found woman 4 2 stronger than Andrea Lehmann, Schule Gossau 1 4 2 But you heard it, darling, 3 1 anyone know. He shares my 3 1 dreams, hope that someday well share home, 4 3 4 2 found love, 4 2 to carry more han just my secrets, To carry 3 1 love, mine 3 1 tonight Strofe 1. Stimme me 3 1 own, And in your 4 2 you were the someone waiting for to carry children of our own you look perfect Vorrefrain 1. Stimme 4 3 2. Stimme We were just kids when were Refrain: 1. Stimme 4 2 so in love, fighting 4 2 2. Stimme Baby, Bridge 1. Stimme 4 2 Im dancing against 4 3 in the 4 3 2. Stimme 4 2 4 3 all odds know that well 3 1 dark be 4 2 with alright this 4 2 you between my arms, 4 2 3 1 4 3 Barefoot 4 2 ti- me, 3 1 on the 4 3 grass, 4 2 Darling, just 4 2 listening hold 4 2 to our favorite 4 2 my hand, be my girl, Ill 4 3 be 3 1 song, When saw you in that 3 1 your man see my 4 2 dress, looking so future 4 2 beautiful in your 4 3 eyes 3 1 dont deserve this, darling you look perfect 3 1 tonight Refrain 1. Stimme 4 2 2. Stimme Baby, 1. Stimme 2. Stimme Im 2. Stimme dancing 4 3 in the 4 3 No Schluss 1. Stimme 4 2 3 1 dark with 4 2 you between my 4 2 arms, 4 3 Barefoot 3 1 on the grass, 4 2 listening 3 1 dont 4 3 deserve it, 3 1 tonight Andrea Lehmann, Schule Gossau 2 4 2 you look perfect. 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 3 4 2 to our favorit 4 3 song, have 3 1 faith in what 4 2 see, now know 4 2 have met an 4 3 angel 3 1 In person, and she looks perfect