Arbeitsblatt: Do / Does


Übungblatt YW 3 Unit 5 Do you? inkl. Lösung
5. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Vanessa Büsser
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

DO DOES DONT DOESNT 1. Mr Nelson speaks Spanish, but he speak German. 2. The girls love tennis, but they love riding. 3. Doris and Eric read comics, but they read books. 4. Max plays tennis, but he play hockey. 5. the children learn to cook at school? 6. Mr Smith teach English? 7. What you have for lunch, Lisa? 8. Brenda and Henry bake muffins for their party? 9. What Sandra sell? 10. Where your grandparents live? 1. The girls love tennis, but they love riding. 2. What Sandra sell? 3. Mr Nelson speaks Spanish, but he speak German. 4. Where your grandparents live? 5. Brenda and Henry bake muffins for their party? 6. Max plays tennis, but play hockey. 7. Mr Smith teach English? 8. Doris and Eric read comics, but read books. 9. What you have for lunch, Lisa? 10. the children learn to cook at school? LÖSUNG Mr Nelson speaks Spanish, but he doesnt speak German. The girls love tennis, but they dont love riding. Doris and Eric read comics, but they dont read books. Max plays tennis, but he doesnt play hockey. Do the children learn to cook at school? Does Mr Smith teach English? What do you have for lunch, Lisa? Do Brenda and Henry bake muffins for their party? What does Sandra sell? Where do your grandparents live? The girls love tennis, but they dont love riding. What does Sandra sell? Mr Nelson speaks Spanish, but he doesnt speak German. Where do your grandparents live? Do Brenda and Henry bake muffins for their party? Max plays tennis, but he doesnt play hockey. Does Mr Smith teach English? Doris and Eric read comics, but they dont read books. What do you have for lunch, Lisa? Do the children learn to cook at school?