Arbeitsblatt: New Inspiration 2, Unit 1, Five minutes with


Aufgabe aus dem Bereich writing. Arbeitsblatt zum Lehrwerk zur Durchführung eines Interviews mit einem Partner
Texte schreiben
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Kerstin Jenzen
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Speaking: Ask another student the questions from Five minutes with Make notes about his/her answers. Five minutes with Hi . Where do you live? What are your favourite clothes? And your favourite colours? What is your favourite English word? What makes you angry? What makes you happy? How do you relax? What languages do you speak? Is there someone very important to you? Is there something special you do every day? What are you reading at the moment/ What is your favourite free time activity at the moment? Writing: Look at the profile of Jay (book, page 17 ). Now write threeparagraph profile of the student you interviewed similar to Jays profile.