Arbeitsblatt: writing future


Text über die eigenen Zukunft schreiben
Texte schreiben
9. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




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Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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New World 5 – Unit 2 Me in 15 years – writing about your future Task: Think about your future plans. Where will you work? What will you work? Will you have family? Will you have the same friends? What will you do in your free time? Make mind map, include all important points. Structure the mind map and write text about your future plans. Your entry should be about one A4-page long (handwritten). You should use the future tenses will and going to. You can use dictionaries. Evaluation Criteria /Content You have written about your work plans. You have written about your social life (family friends) You have written about your hobbies and leisure activities. Language Youve used the tenses correctly. Youve used the vocabulary that you have learnt so far. Your sentences are built correctly. General impression Your text is designed nicely.