Arbeitsblatt: YW 4 U1 Test


How much/How many, Vocabulary food pyramid, reading
Gemischte Themen
6. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




Mila (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English test date: name: Unit 1 24.9.18 points: mark: Unterschrift der Eltern: /26 (Note 4 bei 15P.) 1. Kreuze an, ob die Wörter countable oder uncountable sind. countable uncountable a) bananas b) water c) book d) people e) eggs f) energy g) toy /7 2. Bilde eine Frage mit dem vorgegebenen Satzanfang. a) How much b) How many /3 3. Vervollständige die Sätze mit much oder many. a) How spaghetti do they need? b) How tomatoes do they need? c) How onions do they need? d) How pepper do they need? /4 4. Setze die Nummern in die richtigen Felder der Pyramide. Schreibe zu jeder Kategorie ein Beispiel auf Englisch hin. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. /9 5. Lies den Text und die Aussagen dazu. Unterstreiche jeweils den richtigen Schluss der Aussage. For Guiseppe Manzo from Italy the day begins early. He works in the fish market. He can see the fish market from his kitchen window. When he sees his boss arrive with the fresh fish, he quickly finishes his coffee and leaves his home. That is usually at about six in the morning. The Manzos dont eat much fish. The only fish you will find on their menu is fish fingers. The mother, Piera Manzo, says she likes fish sometimes but it is not something they eat every day. The day for the two boys, Domenico (7 years old) and Pietro (9 years old), begins with breakfast of cereal and milk. The first thing they do after they leave home in the morning is to go and say good morning to their father in the fish shop. Their father always gives them three euros for snack. They usually buy some fruit juice and some sweets with this money. a) Giuseppe Manzo drinks his first morning coffee: with his boss in café /at about six oclock. b) Piera Manzo: doesnt like fish only likes fish fingers likes to eat fish sometimes. c) Domenico: isnt the youngest in the family is younger than Pietro is the only boy in the family. /3 My feeling: Guess your mark: Commentary: 1