Arbeitsblatt: Dossier How much how many


Übungen zu how much und how many
6. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Gabriella Caldeira
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Much und many „Many bedeutet auf Deutsch viele(n). Man verwendet es mit zählbaren Nomen (countable nouns) – das heisst, Wörtern, die man in den Plural setzen kann: many friends – many CDs – many mice Much bedeutet viel (ohne Endung!). Man gebraucht es mit unzählbaren Nomen (uncountable nouns), die man nicht in den Plural setzen kann: much milk – much sugar – much money – much work MERKE: Bei einer PLURALFORM (house-s, cat-s, people ) verwendet man many. Bei einer SINGULARFORM (water, tea, gold ) verwendet man much. Achtung: Manche Pluralformen sind unregelmässig, z.B. people, children, men, women, feet oder teeth. EXERCISE 1: Much or many? a) hair b) dogs c) ideas d) information e) coffee f) apple juice g) children h) music i) water j) salt k) men l) rice m) buses n) information o) fish p) guitars q) houses r) tomatoes s) glass t) toast u) people v) wind w) teachers x) cars y) hands z) light EXERCISE 2: Fill in the right word: much or many 1) Peter doesnt have friends. 2) We need to go to the supermarket. There isnt icecream left. 3) There are so people at the concert! 4) Our teacher always gives us too homework. 5) How lemonade is there? 6) dont know Americans. 7) Do you have books about American history? 8) Quick, we dont have time! 9) How brothers and sisters have you got? 10) cactus doesnt need water. 11) There are too girls in my class. 12) We dont have food. 13) cant find information for our school project. 14) My friends cat has so babies! 15) women work here. 16) Dont put too salt into the soup. 17) cant hear your, there is too noise in here! 18) Peter doesnt need money. 19) How words are on the page? 20) Jenny thinks that there is not love in the world. 21) There arent pencils in my pencil case. 22) Dont buy too bread again! 23) cant come to your party. have so work to do. 24) Do you have DVDs? 25) Susan always takes too butter. 26) This game isnt fun. 27) My brother doesnt eat fruit. 28) How children are in your class? 29) We cant go to school, there is too snow outside. 30) Im very tired. never get sleep on Mondays. 32) Dont drink so coke! 33) My dad doesnt speak languages. 34) There isnt cheese in the fridge. 35) people from my village cant find job. 36) Our son gets too pocket money. 37) Not animals live in this forest. 38) The kids dont get cookies. 39) They dont get milk, either. 40) There arent shops in our little town. 41) dont drink alcohol. 42) Today they play too bad music on the radio. 43) We dont need chairs tonight. 44) cant see bikes in the garage. 45) You cant eat so hamburgers! 46) After the birthday party there isnt cake left. 47) parents help their children with their homework. 48) Is there chocolate in the cupboard? 49) dont do exercises. 50) Sue and her friends dont buy of their dresses at H&M. EXERCISE 3: Traduce the words in English. a) viele Vögel b) viele Bücher b) viel Tee c) viele Tiere d) viele Hausaufgaben f) viele Familien h) viele Lehrer e) viel Eis g) viel Butter i) viele Informati onen EXERCISE 4 Much or many? Tick or circle the answer and find out the keyword. Its the name of film. much N N O O N a) pets b) sandwiches c) bread d) grandfathers e) coffee f) work g) food h) bookshelves i) energy j) rain k) windows Lösungswort: many H L S K U