Arbeitsblatt: Opent World 1


Repetition für den Kick-Off in Unit 1
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Adrian Lehmann
Lochstrasse 31
9404 Rorschacherberg
071 855 11 14
076 50 30 520
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Repetition Kick-of Describe your neighbour with the words we learned in Unit 1. freckled, round, tall, short, wrinkled, medium-height, tanned, curly, straight, elegant, casual, formal, muscular, slim, old, young Use the questionwords we learned in Unit 1 to translate the sentence. Wer ist dieser Mann Wessen Hund ist das Wie viel Geld hast du? Wie viele Autos hat dein Vater? Was trinkst du? Woher kommst du? Wieso bist du hier? have got, havent got,has got, hasnt got, am, are, like I116 years old. I_2blond hair. My mother3_2 sons. They4very tall. Although they 5brown hair, they 6my brothers.I 7them lot. We_8a dog. His name9 spike. Spike10_only 3 legs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Present simple/Present continuous/Past simple Present Simple (allgemein, immer, manchmal) and Present Continuous (im Augenblick, jetzt gerade) Present Simple: go, you go, he/she/it goes (Achtung! Die 3. Pers. Sg ist immer anders), we go, you go, they go Present Continuous: am going, am drinking (Achtung! Das Present Continuous hat immer ein am/is oder are vorne dran und dann ein -ing am Ende) am he,she,it is you are, they are 1. Highlight the signal words 2. Write the correct tense. Get/go/sit/shop/eat/eat/walk Every day up at six clock. Usually Paul shopping with my friends. Right now, at the bus station. At the moment sandwich. Every week on Monday sadwiches. It is very tasty. Today to the zoo. Maybe donky will try bite of my sandwiche. Past simple(Verganghenheit) forms: go Yesterday, to the cinema. make One week ago, cake. throw Two days ago dice. win Last year the championship. work at MC Donalds last year. jump out oft he window yesterday. Adjectives run fast. Paul runs_. Tim runs good/ bad / slow/ fit/ big/ difficult /_ boring/ interesting / easy_/ Rules with the syllables