Arbeitsblatt: Open World Unit 8 Teil 1
9. Schuljahr
5 Seiten
Florence von Heyl
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Test English Vocabulary Grammar Unit 8 – part 1 Class 2rb/2rc Name: Date April 5th, 2018 Points / 65 good Grade: luck! 1. Listening a) You are going to listen to the tape just once. Circle the correct answer. b) You are going to listen to the tape three times. Write the correct temperatures or weather descriptions in the boxes. Four boxes will be left empty! 2. Vocabulary a) Translate and fill in the gaps. (9) gefrieren rund in Richtung Notversorgung Schneesturm Wetterbedingungen Schaden wenigstens erhöhen We dont have (Pl.) in Switzerland, but in the arctic circle they happen lot. You should drink 1,5 liters of water day to stay healthy. Tropical storms have round shape. Their winds have movement. In the middle of the storm, the eye, there is no wind at all. But outside of the eye the winds are very heavy and can cause lot of. If the water temperature reaches beyond zero, it . It melts again once the temperature will again. The weather forecast says that there is storm from Germany moving Switzerland. Before planning hiking trip in the mountains you should always check the so you know if there will be any rain or even thunderstorms. For cases like that, always take some with you! If you cant go back, you need tent to sleep in and some food and drinks. b) Find the described word. (7) opposite to the direction the hands on clock move if there is no power for lamps, tv, or other electronic devices made of wood or steel, many people have it to mark their property (around the garden): in the tropics there are many different types of animals and plants there is huge of animals and plants fix something, make it work again: the line between land and water on continent is called: the opposite of nervous or stormy: c) nouns, verbs, adjectives (4) noun verb nervousness decide brewery d) Describe the weather in the pictures. (3) adjective depressed 3. Grammar: Going to will future. a) Ergänze mit der richtigen Zukunftsform! (4) We (visit) our parents after school. Peter (spend) his holiday in Spain next year. Maybe (be) late at home this evening. (help) me with my shopping bags? – No, sorry Im in hurry. b) Erzähle in zwei Sätzen was du dieses Wochenende tun wirst! Benutze die passenden future tenses. (2) c) Choose the right verb form! (6) 1 2 feel really tired. think go to bed. A: ll B: m going to Would you like to come to my house for dinner and talk about this? Good idea. bring some wine. 3 4 A: ll B: m going to Ive already decided. buy new car A: ll B: m going to What are your plans for next week? to fly to New York on business. Probably on Tuesday but havent bought my ticket yet. 5 A: ll B: m going to Why are you wearing your best suit? have lunch with my biggest customer. 6 A: ll B: m going to Do you want to have the chicken or the beef? think have the beef. A: ll B: m going to Grammar (10)