Arbeitsblatt: Vocabulary OW unit 2


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7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Bruno Ebneter
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

9of 12 (unit 2) 9 of 12 (unit 2) 1 flat 1 pavement 2 the exterior 2 curved 3 boot 3 facade 4 the ground floor 4 huge 5 the laundry room 5 the light switch 6 the toothbrush 6 the core room 7 an armchair 7 to draw 8 an overview 8 the sunglasses 9 founder 9 company 10 pattern 10 upwards 11 ugly 11 to settle (down) 12 lack of 12 to disagree 9of 12 (unit 2) 9 of 12 (unit 2) 1 flat 1 pavement 2 the exterior 2 curved 3 boot 3 facade 4 the ground floor 4 huge 5 the laundry room 5 the light switch 6 the toothbrush 6 the core room 7 an armchair 7 to draw 8 an overview 8 the sunglasses 9 founder 9 company 10 pattern 10 upwards 11 ugly 11 to settle (down) 12 lack of 12 to disagree