Arbeitsblatt: Opent World 1


Vokabularprüfung für die Unit 2
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Adrian Lehmann
Lochstrasse 31
9404 Rorschacherberg
071 855 11 14
076 50 30 520
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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EN: Open World Unit 2 Name: Number: Vocabulary Your points Date: Level Total of points Mark Signature: Match the words. Write the letters in the box.(3) laundry room A. Granit example!!! B. Herausforderung granit dishwasher C. Waschküche Wecker chair comb remind of Washing machine armchair hair-dryer D. Sessel. Fauteuil E. Haartrockner, Föhn zeichnen F. erinnern an G. draw challenge Fill the gaps with the right word. Attention, you have to adjust the words. Correct word and writing1 // per mistake -1/2 // (15) Teenagers often with their parents. My father works in, constructing bridges and buildings. nicht einverstanden sein, anderer Meinung sein Technik, Ingenieurwisschaft Grenze Vancouver is not far from thebetween Canada and the USA. Mangel When theres of food, people dont have enough to eat. The speed in towns is generally 30 mph. (miles per hour) (Höchst)grenze, Limit Meinung, Ansicht In my, thats not good idea. Raum, Platz Can you make for another table Stahl is metal. Zahnbürste You clean your teeth with . nach oben, aufwärts Plants grow towards the light. Walter Chrysler was the of the Chrysler Corporation. Gründer bevorzugen like tennis but badminton. like the colour of your pullover but dont like the . Muster erkennen Dont you me Im your cousin. Ankleideraum She always gets changed in her . Write the opposite (Gegenteil). (6) Correct word and writing1 // per mistake -1/2 beautiful modern interior before that straight(gerade) last Which is the correct word? Tick it! (5) agree zustimmen Lastwagen bevorzugen zeichnen development Ankleideraum entwerfen enorm, riesig Entwicklung Esszimmer guestroom laundry room dining room development design Gästezimmer Ankleideraum entwerfen zeichnen marble Stahl Kugeln Marmor Granit enorm remind of enormous development sunglasses Grundriss fist floor ground floor floor plan engineering spire Speer Dach Turmspitze Raum, Platz next gleich darauf zudem endlich morgen niederlassen move settle house sleep Write the word (10) Correct word and writing1 // per mistake -1/2 sich winden auffällig Säule Trottoir Kofferraum schliesslich jetzt, gegenwärtig Übersicht Erdgeschoss Musikzimmer