Arbeitsblatt: Prepositions of place


Sätze bilden mit den Präpositionen (NI2_U2).
Gemischte Themen
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Renza Merz
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Prepositions of place Make as many sentences as you can with the pictures using prepositions of place! have 14 – can you top that number? The dog is on the chair. The cat is on the little table. The cat is behind the computer. The dog is next to the wardrobe. The cat is inside the wardrobe. The dog is on the bed. The cat is hiding under the bed. The dog is in front of the picture. The cat is behind the cupboard. The TV is between the cat and the dog. The cat is on the drawer unit. The dog is near the drawer unit. The cats are outside the cupboard. No sentences with over and opposite.