Arbeitsblatt: Test past simple


Test zum past simple
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Michael Durrer
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Test past simple past continuous (past participle) Name: Fill in the gaps with was or were. (15 points) 1. He good student. 2. Dick . at the bank yesterday. 3. Peter and David . very sleepy last night. 4. The cat in the garden. 5. He at the church yesterday. 6. Mary . ill last week. 7. My aunt Lucy at the shopping centre last night. 8. Uncle Thomas at home the whole weekend. 9. You very noisy in class yesterday. 10. My family . in Madrid on holidays last Summer. 11. They . at school yesterday. 12. Sara . at the hospital yesterday afternoon. 13. at the station last night. 14. My daughter born in August. 15. The pencils on the table. Negative form. Fill in blanks with was/ were /not and/or an ingverb (19 points) 1. The dog was not (bark). 2. not eating candy. 3. They were not (laugh). 4. It (snow). 5. We were TV(watch). 6. We were painting Easter eggs. 7. You (listen). 8. She homework (do). 9. Kate and John not eating dinner. 10. The dog the cat (chase). Make question in the past continuous. Fill in the blank with be and an ing verb. (20 points) 1._ they dinner? (eat) 2. to music? (listen) 3._ it ? (snow) 4. we_ TV? (watch) 5. you_Easter eggs? (paint) 6. she homework (do) 7. the dog (bark) 8._ she photo (take) 9.hesoccer? (play) 10.Kate and John fast? (run) Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple. (6 points) 1. Daisy (bring) some chocolates to the birthday party. 2. (hear) new song on the radio. 3. My mother (forget) to buy some milk. 4. Susan (have) baby in August. 5. We (lose) our keys last Friday. 6. (give) my mother CD for her birthday. Build the correct past simple-form of the following verbs (5 points). Play walk Decide want ask Note: Bonus: Did you close the door? (max. 2 Punkte) Yes,. No, Points: 65