Arbeitsblatt: Englisch


Buddybook (als Broschüre drucken) zum Thema "Eine Postkarte schreiben"
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7. Schuljahr
8 Seiten




Magdalena Beck
Land: Deutschland
Registriert vor 2006

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Lets write postcard! This buddybook belongs to . 1 What needs to be on postcard? Write down ideas with you partner! Was gehört auf eine Postkarte? Sammle Ideen mit deinem Partner! 2 Useful vocabulary etwas besuchen/besichtigen terrific 3 2. Read this postcard from Munich and answer the questions: Dear Sally, Yesterday visited the Munich Oktoberfest with my family. It was terrific! There were lots of exciting roller coasters and big tents. We ate typical Bavarian food – sausages and roasted chicken. Sally Miller My parents drank beer – drank lemonade! 2854 Stutler Lane See you soon. 32801 Orlando, Florida Love, Lucy USA a) Where did Lucy go on holiday? b) What did she visit with her family? c) What did she see?. d) What did she eat? . e) What did she drink? . f) In which country does Sally live? . 4 3. Get the paragraphs in the right order. If youre right, youll get city in the USA! My parents drank beer – drank lemonade! Cheers, Lucy Yesterday visited the Munich Oktoberfest with my family. It was terrific! See you soon. There were lots of exciting roller coasters and big tents. We ate typical Bavarian food – sausages and roasted chicken. Dear Sally, 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4. Read the postcard again! Wie schreibt man auf Englisch a) die Anrede auf einer Postkarte: b) dass man gestern etwas besucht/ besichtigt hat: c) Das etwas toll war: . d) dass man etwas bestimmtes gegessen oder getrunken hat: e) „ Auf ein Wiedersehen/ Bis bald f) den Schluss auf einer Postkarte: . 6 5. Now its your turn! Write postcard from Disney World to your English friend Luke. Use the ideas given! (Schreib eine Postkarte an deinen Freund Luke, verwende die vorgegebenen Ideen) There were lots of terrific rides and attractions from films! See you soon. Love, . Yesterday we were at Disney World. It was great. Dear We ate typical American food – hamburgers and ice cream. We drank iced tea. . Luke, . Luke Swift . . . 903 -1453 Prince of Wales Drive . Ottawa DN K2D IN5 . Canada Help: So kannst du deine Postkarte „aufbauen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Anrede/Begrüßung Standort Attraktionen (Was gab es zu sehen? Was hast du erlebt?) Essen und Getränke Schluss 7 More useful words and phrases Were having great time. Were thinking of you. The weathers been nice. Anrede/Begrüßung: This is our first/second/third day in Hello from!(name of place). Greetings from .! Were returning home on the (date). Weve only got (number) days left. Weve been enjoying all the sights. The food is great! Say hello to for us. (Grüße von uns) Wish you were here! Sagen, dass etwas toll war/ist: It was/ is great awesome fascinating wonderful amazing interesting Eine Postkarte beenden: Cheers, Bye, Best wishes, All the best, 8