Arbeitsblatt: Taj Mahal Präsentation


Taj Mahal Präsentation
Anderes Thema
6. Schuljahr
12 Seiten




Inga Minnaar
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Taj Mahal We will be looking at Why did choose it? The Taj Mahal About the Architekts Location The building Team Decoration Carvings Materials Questions The End Why did choose it? choose this building because of the beautiful carvings and the romantic Background. The Taj Mahal Called Crown Palace Monument of Love Tomb for wife Mumtaz Mahal Comissioned by Emperer Shah Jahan In Memory 42 acre (4046,86 square meters) 1632 J.-1643 J. But around still 10 more years About the Arichitekts Abd ul-Karim Mamur Khan, Makramat Khan and Ustad Ahmad Lahauri Ustad Lahauri Leader Persian Muslim, Afghanistan Combined Muslim, Hindu and Persian Beautiful Building Location Agra,India The building Team 20000 workers South-Central Asia Day and night 32mil. Rupees (499966.720 Swiss Franc, 495752.960 US Dollar) EXTRA INFO: It was rumour that maybe second Taj Mahal would be built just all in black. But if true or not, the Emperor died and couldnt build the second Taj Mahal. Decorations and Carvings The decorations of the Taj Mahal are among the prettiest in the Mughal architecture. As the sunlight changes, the building glows in different colors. The calligraphy was created in 1609 by calligrapher named Abdul Haq. The dome is one of many special features of the building. Materials Translucent white marble, Rajastan on Elefants Jade,cristal, China Gilded finial - gold then replaced by bronze Stones made of yellow marble, jasper and jade Chamber out of precious gemstones Marble dome Questions? ???? This Information is from THE END