Arbeitsblatt: Test Unit 1 Messages


Prüfung Unit 1 des Lehrmittels Messages
5. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




Franz Hans
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Name: Punkte: English Module 1 Unit 1 Datum: Note: Unterschrift: 1. Complete the sentences. Circle the right answer: a, or c. /3 example: Who are you? a) All right, thanks. b) Im James. c) Hes b) like it. c) Yes, fine. 1. Can open the door? a) Yes, of course. do. 2. Are you interested sport? a) off 3. b) in Can c) on your book? a) listen b) read c) speak 4. Whats the month May? a) after b) before Answer: April c) between 5. How do you school? Answer: s-c-h-o- o-l a) listen 6. b) tell c) spell Which nationality are you? a) Switzerland. b) live in Seedorf. c) Im Swiss. 2. Listen to five students. For questions 1-5, write how they spell their names. /5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3. Complete the sentences with He, She, His or Her. /5 name is Lea. is thirteen years old and lives in Seedorf. has got brother. name is Jonas an is ten years old. Jonas likes football and favourite football player is Ronaldo. Lea doesnt like football. likes music and art. favourite singer is Ariana Grande and doesnt like Ed Sheeran. 4. Write the expression or draw the right punctuation in the box. /2,5 full stop comma ? B, C, D, E, T, Z, 5. Put the words in the right order and make question. Write the words correct! /5 1. old how you are 2. fathers what name is your 3. what/ your is sport favourite? 4. ‘Pult do English how say in you 5. with can homework you me my help 6. What can you do or say, when you dont understand? /3 Schreibe drei Möglichkeiten auf Englisch auf, die du machen kannst, wenn du etwas nicht verstehst: 1. 2. 3. Schreibe drei Möglichkeiten auf Englisch auf, was du sagen kannst, wenn du etwas nicht verstehst. 1. 2. 3. 7. Make eight instructions. Use the verbs in box and choose nouns from box B. You can use every expression only one time /4 open close listen to the CD friend look at the sentences list letter read write make ask the pictures your book your dictionary 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 8. Read the information and try to answer the questions. Write the correct name in the gaps. /5: Im at university.: live at number 20. : My brothers name is Joe. : We live at number eighteen Maple Road.: Im the dog of Sadie and Joe.: Im in band.: Sadie is my friend.: Im fourteen years old.