Arbeitsblatt: Englisch Geschichte schreiben (past simple past perfect)
Englisch Detektivgeschichte schreiben. Anfang vorgegeben
Texte schreiben
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Simon T.
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Title: Name: Lucerne, 1908 Detective Loupe and his female companion left the theatre in Lucerne on this rainy, dark Saturday evening in October of 1908 after they saw the play Wilhelm Tell. They walked closely under the umbrella, which Loupe held in his hand. They walked on the sidewalk, next to the riverbank of the Reuss, to the train station, where his companion Ms. Müller, had to take her train back to Bern. Little by little all other couples turned right into the small side streets and shortly after, they were alone on the sidewalk. moist smell was in the air, of all the yellow, red and brown leaves, which were laying on the wet ground. Suddenly an elderly woman lurched out of one of the dark, gloomy side streets. She pressed her left hand on her right chest. Detective Loupe recognized immediately that something was wrong and ran towards her. When he was able to take closer look, he saw that blood was running down her dress. Her hand was getting more and more soaked by blood. Ms. Müller and the detective began to scream immediately, but nothing happened. The windows of the surrounding buildings remained closed and their screams became silent in the night. The injured woman, who was wearing black skirt with white blouse and dark boots sank to the ground. Detective Loupe held the woman to prevent her from falling to the ground. She began to whisper something very silently into Mr. Loupes ear: Nothing is as you think, be careful. The woman finished the sentence and closed her eyes. Ms. Müller tried to feel her pulse but the woman was dead. The detective stood up and ran into the narrow side street that woman came out of. The small gap led him into big backyard with an impressive garden. In the middle of the backyard two dark figures were heavily discussing. As they saw the detective running towards them, they stopped their discussion immediately and turned in the direction of Mr. Loupe and one of them began to speak hastily: