Arbeitsblatt: Vocabulary Test


Vocab Test Inspiration 2 - Unit 5 - Lessons 1 & 2
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Catherine Amberg

Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Vocabulary Test Unit 5 – Lessons 1 2 Name: Points: 20 Mark: 1. Complete the gaps with an appropriate word from your vocabulary list. People who dont eat meat are. They say that scares the vampires away. bird has got, so it can fly. Parmesan, cheddar, mozzarella are all kind of different . Whenever Im on holidays, send to my family. This is vegetable, it grows in the garden, its round and red: This is. This vegetable is green, and Popeye always ate it to get strong: In restaurant there is always salt on the table. This is kind of park where lot of different animals live: This is person who buys things in shop: If you cut this vegetable into little pieces, you usually start crying: synonym for subway (train): Abmachung: natürlich: hoffnungslos: ehrlich 15 2. Write 5 sentences about your plans for the weekend. Use the correct future tense! 5