Arbeitsblatt: The very first christmas


Einfache Texte ab dem 2. Lernjahr zur biblischen Weihnachtsgeschichte
Lesen / Literatur
6. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Pädagogin (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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The very first Christmas 1. Years passed without single word from GOD Israel became less important in the world. Other nations became great – strong nations, powerful nations whose kings ruled over Gods people. One such king was Caesar Augustus. This Roman ruler thought he was very important. One Day he wondered to himself: How will everyone know, that am the great Caesar, the Roman ruler, the king of the wordl? know! will count all the people under my rule. Surely that will show the world how great am. So Caesar, the Roman ruler, the king of the whole Roman world, began counting all his people to show everyone how great he was. What Caesar did not know was that GOD, the worlds true ruler, the king of the universe, was getting ready to show everyone how great HE was. GOD was going to end his many years of silence. GOD was going to keep his promise of forever king. Call his name JESUS! For He will save His people from their sins! And do you know how God was going to do this? Not like Caesar not proudly, by counting all his people, but humbly, by becoming one of his people. In the power of his spirit, God would bring his forever king into the world as baby! 1. Years passed without single word from GOD What happened to Gods people? What was the name of great king? What did he plan? Why did he have such plans? Who is the true ruler? He is the king of What wanted God to show? What was God going to end? What was God going to keep? 2. Gods promised one is born God had told Mary and Joseph that their baby was the one promised long ago. He would rescue Gods people, give Gods place back to them, and bless all the people of the earth. Gods forever king was born in stable, place for animals. His parents named him Jesus. They wrapped him up warmly and laid him in manger. What strange place for the Promised One. Who would have imagined it? While Caesar, the king of the Roman world, was showing everyone how great he was by counting all of his people. God, the king of the universe, was showing the world how great HE was by sending his Son into the world as one of his people. What very big day! What God had promised to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David had arrived in the birth of Jesus! And news of his great arrival was about to spread. 2. Gods promised one is born What had God told to Mary and Joseph? What was Gods promise? Where was Gods forever king born? His parents named him What did they do with him? Caesar wanted to show how by God was showing the world how by To whom had God promised the birth of Jesus? What happened after his birth?