Arbeitsblatt: Survey on superstition


Umfrage für SuS zum Thema "Aberglaube". Passt zu New Inspiration 3, Unit 4, Lesson 2.
Anderes Thema
9. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Carina Wyss
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Survey on superstition (Aberglaube) 1) Do you believe in good and bad luck? Why (not)? 2) Do you believe any of the following superstitions or carry out any of the following actions? four leaf clovers are lucky black cats are bad omen the number 13 is unlucky horseshoes are lucky avoid walking under ladders cross your fingers for good luck break mirror/glass for good luck wish on falling star wish on an eyelash dont put new shoes on table 3) Do you have lucky number? What number is it? Why? 4) Do you have certain habit of doing something (e.g. eating chewing gum before test good luck)? 5) Do you read/believe in horoscopes? 6) After answering the previous questions, do you consider yourself to be superstitious?