Arbeitsblatt: YW 2 Unit 4


Find the animals Complete the table Write down 6 different trees Put sentence in the right order
Gemischte Themen
4. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




puma_73 (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Test Unit 4 1. Who am I? Can you find the animals? My favourite food is nuts. can climb up trees. am My favourite food is frogs. live in the grass, but can also swim. So can also catch small fish. am My favourite food is grass. With my eyes can see things all around me. am afraid oft he fox. am My favourite food is rabbits, but also eat mice and hedgehogs. hunt them in the evening and at night. have red fur. am My favourite food is mice. have very good eyes and can see in the dark. can fly. am an My favourite food is seeds. am small and am afraid oft he owl and the fox. am My favourite food is leaves. am afraid oft he hedgehog. am My favourite food is insects, but also eat snails. sleep during the day. am afraid oft he fox. am My favourite food ist the insects that live in the bark of trees. have long beak and peck them out. am bird. am 2. Complete the table: hunting, eating, singing, playing, sleeping, flying Day The owl is The hedgehog is The blackbird is The squirrel is The rabbits are The fox is Night The owl is The hedgehog is 3. Write down 6 different trees. Put the sentence in the right order. fox sleeping tree a under is snakes favourite the frogs of food are in the dark owls very eyes and good can have see insects living the of many trees of are under bark blackbirds pretty every are morning singing songs web to spiders is a nice see afraid the snail is hedgehog the of