Arbeitsblatt: Schreibauftrag Satzbau Englisch
4 Aufträge: Translation, right order, different orders und frei schreiben. Zur formativen oder summativen Überprüfung des Satzbaus.
Texte schreiben
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Isabella Stadler
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Name: Number 1: Finish these exercises within 45 minutes. You mustnt use aids (Hilfsmittel) or help from other students or the teacher. Translation 1. Letzten Monat war ich mit meiner Mutter in den Ferien. 2. Ich habe gestern einen Pullover bei Manor für 15 Franken gekauft. 3. Sind sie alt genug um in eine Bar zu gehen? 4. Hast du hier heute Tennis gespielt oder war das Thomas? 5. Gestern assen wir nicht zu Mittag in der Schule. Put these words in the right order 1. play they handball in the evening always 2. did I my homework do in my room not 3. Victoria Station leave the bus at 7 oclock does 4. the girls text messages are writing 5. he speaks does well not French Name: Name: Write the sentence as many times as its possible e.x. sometimes home in the evening works Ben at Ben sometimes works at home in the evening. Sometimes Ben works at home in the evening. In the evening Ben sometimes works at home. 1. mobile Frank at the moment checking is Tim 2. the teacher collects the homework every morning 3. last Monday with ate I Tina at my friends house Number 2: Now you write text about your last or favourite holidays. Where did you go? What did you do? Who did you go with? What did you like the most? Would you like to go again? Etc. Write at least half page on separate sheet.