Arbeitsblatt: Present Simple
Übungen Present simple YW 3 Unit 4
5. Schuljahr
6 Seiten
Gabriella Caldeira
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Present Simple do have like watch fly you do you have you like you watch you fly he/she/it does he/she/it has he/she/it likes he/she/it watches he/she/it flies we do we have we like we watch we fly you do you have you like you watch you fly they do they have they like they watch they fly Bildung: Person base form Achtung bei he she it das geht mit has, likes 1) Nach Zischlauten (s, sh, ch): kiss – he kisses watch – she watches wash – he washes -es 2) aus einem Mitlaut y wird -ies try – he tries fly – she flies 3) Selbstlaut y bleibt unverändert play – he plays say – she says 4) do und go -es do – she does go – he goes z.B. does, Fill in the correct form of the verb! (do) my homework. He (go) to school. She (kiss) boy. You (play) cards. We (learn) English. The dog . (play) with the ball. The cat . (drink) milk. Robert . (eat) an apple. Translate! Ich gehe zur Schule. Er geht ins Kino (cinema). Sie küsst einen Jungen. Wir spielen Tennis. Der Hund sitzt im Garten. Die Kuh isst Gras. Sie lesen ein Buch. Maria mag Äpfel. Stefan mag Kuchen. Questions: Do Does Person Verb Do like ice-cream? cards? Das „S ist schon im does! Does he like school? Do we play Fill in! (like) apples? he (read) book? . we (go) to school? she . (play) cards? Translate! Mag Maria Äpfel? Liest Ralph ein Buch? Gehen wir ins Kino? Negation: Person dont doesnt Verb does does not dont like apples like bananas dont do not He doesnt like school She doesnt Fill in! . (not like) bananas. Maria (not go) school. Bernhard (not play) golf. We (not read) book. Translate! Ich mag Äpfel nicht. Er mag Hunde nicht. Wir mögen Schule nicht. Elisabeth küsst den Jungen nicht. Write question and negation! like school. He goes to the cinema. Maria eats an apple. Ralph plays Tennis. We love dogs. They fly to Spain. Ausnahmen! - have got dog. Have got dog? havent (have not) got dog. - She has got car. Has she got car? She hasnt (has not) got car. - can ski. Can ski? cant (cannot) ski. She can dance. ? Can she dance? She cant (cannot) dance. Fragewörter: Bei can, must kein Who – Wer Where – Wo What – Was When – Wann How – Wie the T-shirt? Who is it? Where do you live? Whats the time? What do you like? When are the holidays? When do we go? How are you? How do get there? How much is Übersetze! Wer ist dein Bruder? Wie viel kosten die Schuhe? Wohin gehst du? Was ist dein Lieblingsessen? Kann sie tanzen? Hat er einen Bruder? Hat sie eine Katze? Können wir gehen?