Arbeitsblatt: 29 Questions to Santa
Writing exercise
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8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Christina Fruehauf
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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29 Questions to Santa Clause Here are 29 questions children ask about Santa. Copy at least 7 of them in your notebook and write suitable, smart answer. 1. 2. 3. 4. What if there is no chimney? What if we move? What if there is no snow? How will Santa find me if we are visiting and not at our home on Christmas Eve? 5. How do the reindeer fly? 6. How does Santa understand all the different languages of the world? 7. Whats Santas favorite food? 8. Is there any food Santa doesnt eat? 9. How much does Santa weigh? 10.What are the elves jobs? 11.What is Santas favorite Christmas Eve snack? 12.How does Santa visit the whole world in one night? 13.How does Santa get all the toys into the sleigh at one time? 14.How does Santa get up and down my chimney? 15.What if there is fire burning in the fireplace? 16.Does Santa have any children? 17.Will Santa always bring what ask for? 18.Where does Santa get his red suit? 19.Does bad weather make it hard for Santa to drive his sleigh? 20.Does Santa have any hobbies? 21.Why is Santas suit red? 22.Is there really Santa Claus? 23.How did the reindeer get their names? 24.Why does Santa live at the Northpole? 25.Is Santa ever sad? 26.Which is Santas favorite elf? 27.How many elves are there? 28.What is Santas favorite kind of music? 29.What kind of treats do the reindeer like?