Arbeitsblatt: Englisch : Facts and Fiction


Eigener Travel guide Schreiben - Auftrag und Bewertungskriterien
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7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Michelle Egger
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

name: Facts and figures: Your travel guide You have read about facts and fiction in Scotland. Now give visitor from Scotland an impression of Switzerland or another country you know well. Task: Travel guide at at at at least least least least 4 3 2 4 surprising facts cities „must see countryside very typical things about your country Legend 1 map 13 information (you can take the 13 information points from the travel guide) Criterion Task achievement and overall impression · variety of ideas, all content points covered · ideas are relevant to assigned topic Organization and cohesion · ideas are effectively organized · ideas are appropriately linked, red thread is given Max 4 2 Range and accuracy of grammar, vocabulary and spelling · appropriately wide range of vocabulary and structures to express ideas effectively · hardly any spelling errors, known words are correctly used · tenses used are correctly formed and applied Content · text makes sense as whole · continuative thoughts are expressed 4 Total 14 4 Ach.