Arbeitsblatt: Jeanne Ryan Nerve
Aufgaben zu Kapitel 19
Lesen / Literatur
11. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Lisa Bicko
Land: Deutschland
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Chapter 19 – Cold Chaperone and Treacherous Tommy Task1: On pages 267-274 the reader gets to know one of NERVEs biggest supporters. Take closer look at the way he communicates and what it reveals about him. Use the speech bubbles to write down what he says and add adjectives/ character traits to describe his personality below. (You do not need to analyze every interaction but choose the most interesting statements). Chapter 19 Task 2: In chapter 19 (p.275-278) we find out that Tommy has been the one providing NERVE with important bits of information about Vee. We have already talked about the way NERVE operates. What do you think: How could NERVE convince Tommy to betray his friend? Recreate the text messages NERVE exchanges with Tommy using the empty phone template below.