Arbeitsblatt: How to write a letter


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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

How to write letter Beginning letter Dear (first name), Beginnings Thank you for your recent letter. It was great to hear from you and catch up on all your news. Im sorry havent been in touch for such long time. hope you and your family are well. Questions to your partner Referring to your partners news Giving news How are things? What you did/want to do Tomorrow, I‘ll have to learn very much because Ive got an exam on Saturday. After that Ill go on holidays to the beautiful island Mallorca! Asking your partner something Have you ever been to Mallorca? Im sure you would enjoy lying in the sun on one of the great beaches. Endings Give my regards to your family! Write soon. Signing off Yours, (first name) Im glad to hear that you got an for your presentation. Did tell you about our new dogs? Their names are Emma and Bob – theyre soo cute! attached some photos of them for you.