Arbeitsblatt: Writing sentences


Aus einem Planquadrat mit englischen Wörtern Sätze zusammenstellen
Texte schreiben
3. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Urs Helbling

Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

The house Search the sentences in this grid and write them into your English booklet. 1 The 2. kitchen. sleeping is the 2 two mother is Will know, is in 3 is There There reading attic. preparing 4 breakfast cat bed. are is The front 5 bedroom. you is in bedroom where the 6 the Alice of is on under TV 7 The the in in the mouse Jeff 8 Do in in bed father parent beds A1, B4, C2, D1, E6, B7, D8, G2, H5, F8, A5 A7, B2, E1, H4, F6 G5, H2 D2, E4, H8, G6, C7, A6, H1 D3, D4, A2, G8, D7, E5, B1 B3, D6, F1, H3, F7 B8, E7, F3 B6, F2, E3, C3, H6, D5, G4, C6, H7, C4 F4, E8, C5, G3, A4, C8, G1, C1 A8, B5, E2, F5, G7, A3 The cat is sleeping in the parent bedroom. The mother is singing under the shower. Will is watching TV in the living room. There are two beds in the parent bedroom 2. There is little mouse in the attic. The father is preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Do you know, where Jeff is Alice is reading book in front of her bed. living room. shower. little singing the book her watching