Arbeitsblatt: Listening comprehension book recommendation


eine LC zu einem YouTube video in dem ein Mädchen Tipps gibt, welche Bücher für Teenager lesenswert sind.
Lesen / Literatur
2 Seiten




Sybille Frei
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Recommended reads Listening comprehension questions Try to answer the following questions: 1. Why will Hailey try to do more videos? 2. Who is the video addressed to? 3. Why does her voice sound odd? 4. Why is she shocked when thinking about ‘the book thief? What time is it situated in? 5. The fault in our stars: What do you get while reading the book? 6. 3d book: What does she say about the writing? What is the style of the book? Who is the protagonist? 7. Fangirl: What situation is the reading of this book good for? What does Hailey study at university? 8. Mrs. Peregrines home: What is special about the pictures? 9. The selection series: What does she read them for? 10. Throne of glass: What does she say about Serena? 11. What does the Hunger Games make you do? 12. Snow like ashes: What does she think is cool about the series? 13. The darkest minds: What does she say about the story? 14. Divergent: What does she say about the ending of the series? 15. Code name verity: What does she recommend? What is the story about? 16. Ready player one: What time is the book set in? Where does the story take place?