Arbeitsblatt: Vokabular/Grammatiktest NW3, unit1
Ein Test über das present simple und das Vocabulary der Unit 1
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Nico Kappeler
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Name: Points: /30.5 Erfindung Zahlung ankommen teuer Veranstaltungen popular fact share building exchange The pattern on the kilt looks surprising. (1) Ich melde mich an der Rezeption der Jugendherberge an. (2) In Schottland erkunde ich Inseln und die Landschaft. (2) Big unit test, New World 3, Unit 1 Translate the words and phrases! (10 P) Fill in the gaps with words you know from the unit! (5P) Bern is the of Switzerland. This church was built in the 17th . The haggis is made of sheeps heart, liver and lungs. model beautiful clothes. In the morning eat. Nico is my Kappeler is my. Schwingen is sport of Switzerland. is man who plants trees and flowers. Each night write one page in my . Mark: Put the verb in brackets (Verb in Klammern) into the correct present simple form! (8) (wear) You Peter (know) He Mrs. Carter (try) You (work) She (make) The kids (kick) (sit) It (go) We (run) You (stay) The (use) (miss) My grandma Donald Trump John (cry) (win) (play) Lots of people (sleep) Put the verbs «to be» and «to have» into the correct present simple form (3) (have) (be) You (have) (be) He (have) (be) We (have) (be) You (have) (be) The (have) (be) Put the sentences into the correct negative form (3) We know the truth about him. Greta Thunberg sails across the ocean. like the taste of chocolate. Make questions out of the sentences (1.5) Jasmine loves cooking. You play basketball. The boys tease the girls.