Arbeitsblatt: present simple or present continuous?


Formative Lernkontrolle
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




melmac (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Formative test present simple v/s present continuous 1. Conjugate the following two verbs in the present simple. (3) to be to do you you he she we we you you they they 2. Fill in the gaps with the correct present tense (simple or continuous). (4) Tina (run) at the moment? No, she Bob always (eat) too much? Yes, he penguins (like) fish? Yes, they you (go) to Rome next week? No, 3. Make sentences in the present simple. Choose positive, negative or question. (5) he drive to work every day I not think youre right we have enough time ? he not read the newspaper in the morning she dance often ? 4. Complete the following sentences with the present simple or continuous. Underline the tense markers before you decide. (13) 1. They normally lunch at two. (have) 2. Hi Jake. – What at the moment? – the sunshine at the beach. (you do, enjoy) 3. Where from? (new neighbours, come) 4. in Paris this week? (you work) 5. Sally new clothes every Saturday! (buy) 6. played football at school but now swimming (prefer) 7. John difficult time at the university this year (have) 8. My father everything about cars, but nothing about bicycles. (know) 9. This cake strange. Whats in it? (smell) 10. The moon round the earth. (go) 11. Do those men at the door? – They at us very strangely (you see, look)