Arbeitsblatt: Lesetext Homeschooling


Lesetext Homeschooling
Lesen / Literatur
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Joel Stuber
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Leseverstehen [HOME-SCHOOLING] Home-schooling In Germany, all children have to go to school – whether they want to or not. However, in some countries – for example in America and Great Britain – parents dont have to send their kids to school. They can teach them at home. This is called home-schooling. Of course home-schooled kids have to take tests, too, but they are free to decide when, where, and how they study. We have asked four teenagers what they think about home-schooling. Sarah (13): think home-schooling is bad idea! Home-schooled kids are always with their family. They never get to meet other people and they cant make friends. Also, they dont learn to work in team, and thats very important. Jeff (12): Im home-schooled and like it lot. was bullied in school; the other students made fun of me all the time and they even stole my things. was so scared that didnt say anything in class, and couldnt concentrate. just wanted to go home. Now my dad teaches me, and find it much easier to learn. Mike (15): couldnt imagine being home-schooled! think some things are good – you dont have to get up early in the morning, for example, and you can study things that interest you. But Im not really sure that all parents are good teachers. My mum could never teach me math – shes too bad at it! Haley (14): used to be home-schooled when was younger. My mum taught me. It was lots of fun. We did many projects and went on trips to museums or to the zoo. wasnt lonely because my brothers and sisters were home-schooled, too, and had many friends at church and at the soccer club. go to normal school now because my mum had to get job, so she doesnt have time to teach us anymore. Its ok, but its also bit boring because all the lessons are the same, and the teachers at our school arent very good. EXERCISE 1 True, wrong or not in the text? NT a) Sarah was home-schooled. b) Sarah thinks that home-schooled kids dont have friends. c) Sarah thinks that kids must learn to work in team. d) Jeff likes home-schooling because he was bullied in school. e) Jeff has many friends outside school. f) Mike knows somebody who is home-schooled. g) Mike thinks its good that home-schoolers dont have to get up early. h) Mikes mum is good at math. i) Haleys brothers and sisters were home-schooled, too. j) Haley goes to normal school now because her dad had to get job. 1 Leseverstehen [HOME-SCHOOLING] EXERCISE 2 What do you think about home-schooling? Write few lines. You can use the expressions from the box. Seine Meinung ausdrücken: in my opinion (meiner Meinung nach) – think (ich denke) – good bad idea (eine gute schlechte Idee) – some things are good, but (manches ist gut, aber ) Ideen verbinden: also (außerdem) – because (weil) – but (aber) – however (jedoch) – so (also) – for example (zum Beispiel) 2