Arbeitsblatt: New World Englisch Unit 3: Kunst


Gemälde von zwei Schweizer Künstlern mit Lese-, Verständnis- und Schreibübungen. Dauer: 30 - 45 Minuten.
Lesen / Literatur
5. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Alison Montillet
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Kurt Seligmann was Swiss-American painter, born in Basel in 1900. He studied painting at the College of Arts in Geneva and spent many years working for his father in furniture store in Basel. Seligmann moved to Paris with friends he met in Geneva. One of his friends was Graubünden sculptor Alberto Giacometti. In 1939 he moved to America. He continued painting and taught painting at schools. His paintings were abstract and also dream-like, style called Surrealism. Portrait, 1932, Kurt Seligmann, Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, Graubünden Name of the painting: Name of the painter: Two things know about the painter: Text about painting: What colours do you see? Are the colours dark or light, dull or bright, warm or cold? What shapes can you see? Where are the shapes in the painting? Ernst Ludwig Kirchner was German painter, but he lived in Davos for very long time. He painted fast and used lots of bright colours. He was known for his landscapes of Davos. His style of painting is called Expressionism. There is museum in Davos that has lots of his paintings. It is called the Kirchner Museum. View of Davos, 1924, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, Graubünden Name of the painting: Name of the painter: Two things know about the painter: Text about painting: What colours do you see? Are the colours dark or light, dull or bright, warm or cold? What shapes can you see? Where are the shapes in the painting?