Arbeitsblatt: Slumdog Millionaire Exam


An exam on the book "Slumdog Millionaire"
Lesen / Literatur
8. Schuljahr
5 Seiten




Xenia Zindel
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Reading Test Slumdog Millionaire Name: Points: February 23rd 2022 Parents Signature:/ Exercise 1: Translate the meaning of all the words in the phrases into German. Verbs must be translated into correct German tenses./15 Word Phrase Translation The enemy is launching rockets school for disabled children in the basement Pakistan carried out air attacks cannot stand the pain the Pakistanis‘ plan was to capture Mandiala Bridge an ordinary man its one of the highest awards for bravery the Indian armed forces Gudiyas face was covered with bandages the cost of treatment for rabies there were bruises all over her face heads and tails saw the safe behind it came to take revenge Reading Test Slumdog Millionaire February 23rd 2022 Exercise 2: Identify the people in the pcitures. Where are they and what is happening in each picture?/12 The people in the picture are. 3 They are in 3 3 3 Exercise 4: Put the following events in the order in which they happen (Number 1 to 8)./4 After Ram won the prize money he married Nita in Mumbai. Ram met Nita for the first time at the Taj Mahal. E Ram saw an advertisement of Who will win billion and decided to go to Mumbai. Ram started working as guide. Japanese couple asked Ram to tell them about the Taj Mahal. They fell in love but Ram found out that Nita was engaged to another man Ram gave forty thousand rupees to man whose son had rabies and G needed an to operation Ram went the hospital to visit Nita who had bruises all over her face. Reading Test Slumdog Millionaire February 23rd 2022 Exercise 5: Who said the following words? Put the correct number after each name. Two of the names are used twice. /10 Ram Salim 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Prem Kumar Balwant Singh Nita Gudiya Colonel Taylor Smita That night, Pakistan carried out air attacks on several of our airfields Mohammad, you have to show him your hand. Do it for me, please What can you do? Its his family. Its not good idea to interfere in other peoples lives Do not let anyone into the room and do not enter it yourself. And dont call the police. Please, look after Pluto before return home Do you love me? Howhow did you find me? He is rich and successful. He will pay my family forty thousand rupees if marry him Sister, dont cry. Hold my hand You fought for me. Now will fight for you Exercise 6: True (T), false (F) or we dont know (DK)? /10 Statements F K 1 2 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. At the beginning of the story, Ram received lucky coin from Father Timothy just before he died Ram became the leader at Delhi Childrens Home for boys because he was the only one who spoke English there Maman owned school for disabled children whom he offered good future Salim was Rams friend who wanted to become famous actor For 3 years Ram worked for the actress Neelima together with Salim Balwant Singh lied about receiving awards Ram left Salim behind because he was afraid that the police would arrest and hang him for killing Gudiyas father Ram met Nita while he was delivering tiffin close to theTaj Mahal Shankar was mentally disabled orphan who was adopted by the rich Swapna Devi Reading Test Slumdog Millionaire February 23rd 2022 10 The main reason Ram wanted to earn billion rupees was that he wanted revenge for the two women that Prem Kumar had hurt Exercise 7: Answer the questions shortly or complete the sentences. /29 Where did the story take place? Name the country and at least one city 1 Ch 1 In what building did the story start? Explain why. 2 Ch 2 Who was the most important person for Ram in this chapter and what was his profession? 4 What did this person do for Ram when he was two years old? (two things) What did Ram learn from this person which helped him later in life? Ch 3 Why didnt Ram like the Delhi Childrens home for boys? (Give three reasons) 4 Why did other boys like it? (Give one reason) Who became Rams best friend? What two things did the two boys have in common? (gemeinsam haben) Ch 4 Who was Neelima Kumari? 3 Why did Ram know the answer of the quiz question about the year Neelima won the National Award for Best Actress? How did Neelima die? Ch Who was Neelimas lover and in what way was he 2 Reading Test Slumdog Millionaire February 23rd 2022 4 important for the story later on? (Name two things) Ch 5 The soldier Balwant Singh told stories about the war between and . He lied that he his leg while he was fighting. Actually he was not war hero but he had run away from the fighting to be with his Who was Gudiya? Ch 6 2 5 Where did Ram meet her for the first time? Later Ram visited Gudiya who was in. She was there because her had thrown cup of boiling tea at her. and Gudiya had tried to help her. As result, Gudiyas face had been burned and was covered with How was Gudiya important for Ram later on? Ch 7 What was Colonel Taylor profession and who did he officially work for? 3 What was Mr Taylors secret and how did Ram discover it? Mr Taylor became persona non grata. What did he have to? Ch 8 Who did Ram murder on the train after leaving the Taylors family and why? 1 Ch 9 Who was the person who helped Ram find place to live in Agra and what was special about him? 2 Reading Test Slumdog Millionaire February 23rd 2022 How did Ram and Nita meet and why couldnt they get married straight away? Estimated points easy medium difficult