Arbeitsblatt: Begleitdossier YW 4 Unit 2
Begleitdossier zur Unit 2. Das Dossier basiert auf meiner Unterrichtsplanung. Es wurden nicht alle Kopiervorlagen verwendet. My facts auf der letzten Seite- wird als Beurteilung gezählt.
Anderes Thema
6. Schuljahr
12 Seiten
Leni (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
_ • • • • • • • • • • • What animals do 1 Write the names of the animals under the pictures. 2 Write what the animals do under the name. Use: survive, breathe, collect, protect from danger, care for newborn, feed on fish, die, build nest, move, lay eggs, breed, give birth Facts about animals Illustrate the meaning of these words and/or write examples. size weight speed food enemy/enemies migration breeding life expectancy danger habitat body feature social behaviour Butterflies Fill in the gaps with the right verb form. Butterflies (need/needs) sunlight to warm their bodies. So next time you (see/sees) one sitting in the sunshine, (remember/remembers) that it (are/is) not lazy. There is butterfly which If the fruit (drink/drinks) the juice of rotten fruit. (have/has) turned to cider, the butterfly (can/cans) get so drunk it cant fly. Some butterflies (have/has) wings like church windows. The glasswing butterfly (live/lives) deep in the jungle, where it (fly/flies) close to the ground and is very hard to see. Butterflies in cold places Some of them (sleep/sleeps) through the winter. (spend/spends) the winter as eggs, caterpillars, or pupae. The others, the adult animals, or in house. (are/is) in cave, under leaf, Frogs 1 Fill in the gaps with the right verb form. Use the verbs in the box. The frog from one leaf to the other. can be green or brown or frog jump The frog long tongue. With this tongue it lives insects, such as flies. Some frogs likes about 1000 eggs. Not everybody are live the croaking of the frogs. There catches different sounds of croaking. lay The flying frog in the tropical rainforest. To move these frogs and They jumps are are very small and colourful frogs. Many of them fly poisonous. has They in South America. 2 Complete the table with the verb forms. base form you he, she, it we you they Animals migrate 1 Read the sentences carefully and match them to one of the four animals. If you need help, listen to the audios 16 – 19 again. Arctic tern: Green turtle: Grey whale: Monarch butterfly: 1. In winter it goes from Southern Canada and North America to Mexico. 2. suitable motto: The biggest eats the smallest. 3. The distance it covers in one year is about the way around the world. 4. The wind helps this animal to move very fast. 5. On land it moves very slowly. 6. It has quite short life. 7. This animal sees more daylight than any other animal on earth. 8. This animal doesnt lay any eggs. 9. After having laid the eggs it dies. 10. This animal leaves its eggs behind on an island. 11. It weighs as much as bus filled with people. 12. It lives in the tropical and subtropical seas all around the world. 2 Choose one of the words and fill in the gaps. Use: migration, speed, weighs, breeds, distance, size, lays 1. From the North Pole to the South Pole its long 2. green turtles 3. green turtle 4. The Arctic tern 5. The can be up to 32 km per hour. about hundred eggs or more. in Alaska and in Britain. of grey whale is between 13 and 15 m. 6. The monarch butterfly is also very famous for its 7. The monarch butterfly hardly more than few grams. Logical: Animals that migrate 1 Read the sentences and solve the logical. 2 Draw the animals in the correct place. Picture Name Where it lives Distance of migration Food 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The grasshopper eats plants. The animal in the Antarctic covers the distance of 200 km. Gnus live in Africa. The salmon in the first picture lives in the North Atlantic. The animal next to the salmon travels 3000 km. Grass is the food of the animal living in Africa. The penguin eats fish. The picture of the grasshopper, which lives on all continents, is between that of the gnu and the penguin. 9. In the North Atlantic lives the animal that eats small fish. 10. The animal that lives on all continents covers distance of 2400 km. 11. Salmons travel 1000 km. Comparisons adjective comparative form adjectives with one syllable old older adjectives with two syllables that end on funny funnier adjectives with two or more syllables important more important 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective. Use the adjectives in the clouds. The adjectives are written backwards. 1. This flower is than that one. 2. winner is than loser. 3. The nights are than the days. 4. crying baby is than radio. 5. Pineapples are than oranges. 6. Before test you normally are 7. bear is suovren ysion dloc than usual. than human being. yppah teews lufituaeb gnorts 2 Write sentences to compare the animals. Use the adjectives that are given. 1. grey whale Arctic tern (size: large small) grey whale is than An Arctic tern is than 2. Arctic tern monarch butterfly (weight: light heavy) 3. green turtle grey whale (speed: fast slow) hamster is as big as mouse Write sentences with the words given. Decide if you have to use as as or not as as Look at the example. big: hamster – mouse hamster is as big as mouse. 1. grey: this elephant – this mouse 2. old: Tina (15 months) – Steve (1 year 3 months) 3. dangerous: cats – tigers 4. large: Switzerland – Great Britain 5. big: Zurich – London 6. cold: vanilla ice-cream – chocolate ice-cream 7. cheap: car – bike 8. slow: horses – snails 9. healthy: grapefruit – an orange 10. happy: Sarah – Tom Have to 1 Match the parts of the sentences and complete them with the correct form of have to has to. Miranda drink cup of tea if they want to go to the cinema. You eat more fruit so he can go to the hockey training. You Children have to in order to get your vitamins. run ask their parents if you want to catch the train. Our dog wait outside because they talk too much. call my friend because she works in the mornings. Peter finish his homework so can tell him the latest news. We help our mother because he works in bank. Paul and John My dad change places when we go into shop. because her stomach hurts. wear tie 2 Put the parts of the sentence together and write it down! in order to You to sports get muscles! have do My own fact box 2 Complete the fact box about an animal you find fascinating. Picture of my animal