Arbeitsblatt: Writing Task Past Simple
Schreibanlass zur Anwendung der Zeitform "past simple"
Texte schreiben
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Mirjam Anrig
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Writing task past simple Dear friend How are you? hope you enjoyed your holidays. Mine werent that great. My parents both had to work so we couldnt go on holiday and the weather was quite bad, unfortunately. It was raining cats and dogs so most of the time had to stay inside. watched lots of Netflix series, chatted online with my friends and played computer games. Sometimes my friends from school came over and we spent our time together. once went shopping with them. bought some great clothes! Tell me about your holidays. Did you have great time? Love Task: Write letter to your friend and tell him her about your holidays. Write at least 8 affirmative sentences (), 2 negative sentences (-) and 2 questions (?) in the past simple. Choose from the following verbs (of course you can also choose other verbs). Of course you are allowed to write extra sentences. drive fly stay feel buy sleep do lose meet run drink arrive eat come swim spend go give take see play dance Evaluation grammar 8 correct affirmative sentences in the past simple 2 correct negative sentences in the past simple 2 correct questions in the past simple other grammar vocabulary rich vocabulary and content, extra sentences Spelling capital letter nouns lower case letter general spelling 4 2 2 2 5 1 2 2