Arbeitsblatt: going to -future, grammar
Zeigt die Anwendung, den Aufbau und die Signalwörter für die grammatikalische Zeit "going to- future"
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Sibylle Süess
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
„going to- future Positive Aufbau: Person Hilfsverb (to be) going to Hauptverb You He/She/It We You They am are is are are are going going going going going going to to to to to to have watch eat dance write play dinner. TV. pizza. tango. letter. football. Negative Aufbau: Person neg. Hilfsverb (to be) going to Hauptverb You He/She/It We You They am not arent isnt arent arent arent going to going to going to going to going to going to read. climb. dive. write. run. go. Questions Aufbau: (Fragewort) Hilfsverb (to be) Person going to Hauptverb (Where) am going to run? Are you going to have tea? (What) is he/she/it going to eat? Are we going to go home? Are you going to do athletics? (Who) are they going to visite(besuchen) Short answers Aufbau: Person (neg.) Hilfsverb (to be) Yes, you are. No, you Yes, am. No, Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it arent. not. isnt. Anwendung: Futur, persönlicher Plan Absicht Signal words: later, next, tonight, tomorrow, time (at 6 oclock)