Arbeitsblatt: Questions exam


Test zum Überprüfen der Fragestruktur im simple past
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Lea Van Tiem
Land: Deutschland
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

1. Choose the correct question! Read the sentences and underline the correct one. a. Where you went at the weekend? Where did you go at the weekend? Where did you goed at the weekend? b. Do you have fun last holiday? Did you had fun last holiday? Did you have fun last holiday? c. Did your friend visit you after school yesterday? Was your friend visit you after school yesterday? Did your friend visited you after school yesterday? d. What did your brother do yesterday? What is your brother did yesterday? What your brother did yesterday? 2. Find the mistake, underline it and write the correct sentence. a. Did you watched TV last night? b. What do you see on your last holiday? c. Did you started learning English at school? d. Where were you meet your best friend? e. Did you to have cereal for breakfast? 3. Write 5 questions in the simple past Example: When did the train leave last night? What? When_? How? Why? Who?