Arbeitsblatt: Reading Comprehension


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2 Grade Reading Comprehension Level STORIES INCLUDED The Lost Balloons Talking Trees The Winter Olympics Dentist for Dinosaurs Where do Wills Stories Come From? Grade 2 Reading Comprehension Level Workbook by K5 Learning K5 Learning 2019 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. Permission is granted to reproduce this material to be used with one (1) teacher students by virtue of the purchase of this book. In other words, one (1) teacher may make copies of these worksheets to be used with his/her students. Permission is not given to reproduce the material for resale. Please visit for more workbooks from K5 Learning. Level Reader Table of Contents Introduction Tips . 1 List of Vocabulary Words 3 Stories Exercises: The Lost Balloons . 4 That is Not Hamster . 11 Famous Inventors You Never Heard Of 17 Bruno the Bouncing Guinea Pig 23 The Winter Olympics . 29 Where do Wills Stories Come From? . 35 Talking Trees 41 Dentist for Dinosaurs . 47 The Super Bowl 53 Please Wait. 59 More from K5 Learning . 66 K5 Learning 2019 Level Reader Introduction Tips Welcome to our series of levelled reading workbooks. Each workbook contains number of texts. Each text is followed by exercises designed to reinforce literacy skills including reading comprehension, vocabulary, spelling and writing. The books include both fiction and non-fiction passages and explore wide range of topics in social studies, nature, history, science and more. Our readers are leveled from to based on number of factors related to text complexity such as vocabulary, average word size and sentence length, amount of repetitiveness of words and sentence structures and subject matter complexity. Early reading levels use short simple words and sentences in big fonts in highly repetitive manner. Stories relate to subjects young children are familiar with. Each successive level introduces greater reading challenge. About K5 Learning K5 Learning provides thousands of free worksheets and affordable workbooks for children in kindergarten to grade 5. We work with award-winning teachers to create materials in support of independent learning. Our aim is to help parents help their kids develop their reading, math and study skills. Visit us at K5 Learning 2019 1 Level Reader Some tips on using our leveled readers Review the vocabulary words on the first page of each story with your student. Ask your child to read these words and talk about what they mean. Ask younger students to read the stories out loud and use their finger to point to words as they read from left to right. Help them as needed. Ask younger students to also read the directions of the exercises out loud. Remind them to use complete sentences when answering. Ask older students to look up words they dont know in dictionary. Point out punctuation; for example, when there is an exclamation mark ask them to reread the sentence using more enthusiasm. Review your students work and guide him or her through any answers that are not correct. Discuss the stories, the characters, the topics, the settings, the pictures – anything about the text to make it more interesting, relevant or fun. Monitor your students progress and adjust reading levels as needed. Keep the reading fun! Other books in this series This book is one of series of levelled reading workbooks. The levelled reading approach makes it easy for parents to find appropriate materials for their kids. The books range from Levels A-C (kindergarten) to Levels X-Z (grade 6). The books can be purchased and downloaded exclusively from the online bookstore at K5 Learning Questions Feedback If you have any questions or feedback for us, please contact us at K5 Learning 2019 2 Level Reader List of Vocabulary Words The following vocabulary words are introduced in this workbook: adventure appear athlete audience balloons bounce cavities champion character combed communicate country courage creature dentist dinosaur dollars dragon encouraged factory famous football fungi haircut hamster height imagination incredible inventor judge language laughs lonely lost medal memories mirror money moon nervous Olympics pajamas patient poster practice represent science scientists scissors shape special sport television tough wind wood K5 Learning 2019 3 Level Reader imagination factory wind balloons money lost The Lost Balloons On their way to the park one day, Jenny and Violet saw hundreds of colorful balloons floating through the sky. Wow, look at the colorful balloons! Where did they all come from? Violet asked Jenny. Maybe they escaped, and they are looking for birthday party, suggested Jenny. Jenny, you have such wild imagination. Lets try to see where the balloons came from. The balloons were drifting lazily across the blue sky. The girls walked and walked as they followed the trail of balloons. K5 Learning 2019 4 Level Reader Are we getting too far from home? Jenny wondered. Just as they were about to turn around, Violet saw sign on building. Look at that, she said, pointing. The sign read, ACME Balloon Factory. Both of the girls laughed. Should we go tell the owners that their balloons broke loose? asked Jenny. Im sure they know by now, Violet answered. The girls noticed man coming out of the building. Excuse me, mister! Violet called. Your balloons are floating away. The man looked up. know. let them all go on purpose. cant afford to keep this balloon factory open any longer. It costs too much money. So I decided to let all the balloons go free. K5 Learning 2019 5 Level Reader Thats so sad, remarked Jenny. Yes, its really awful, Violet agreed. Is there anything we can do to help? Jenny asked. need money. Ive been in the balloon business all my life. It just doesnt pay enough anymore. Maybe my mom could help? Violet said. Shes banker. Jenny nodded. Thats great idea, Violet. Why dont we call her right now? Violet called her mom and explained what was happening. n few moments, Violets mom drove up, got out of her car, and walked over to the girls. Mom, this balloon factory will have to close down soon. Can you help? Violet asked. K5 Learning 2019 6 Level Reader Her mom began talking to the man. In few moments, they were shaking hands and smiling. think can help, said Violets mom. We are goin to sit down tomorrow at the bank and talk about things. Both girls were excited. Thanks so much! they both yelled at once. Now, how do we get the balloons back from the sky? Jenny blurted out. The group looked at Jenny in surprise and they all burst out laughing. K5 Learning 2019 7 Level Reader The Lost Balloons 1. (exercises) Choose the right answer. What did the girls see in the sky? a. birds b. baby belugas c. balloons d. boxes of buttons What were the balloons doing? a. playing hide and seek b. looking for birthday party c. drifting lazily across the sky Why did the girls track the balloons? a. They were curious about where the balloons came from. b. They were angry at the balloons. c. They thought they might find pot of gold. K5 Learning 2019 8 Level Reader 2. 3. Select True or False. The man let the balloons go free. True False Bankers clean peoples teeth. True False Violets brother came to help them. True False Jenny wanted to get the balloons back from the sky. True False If you owned factory, what would you like to make? Write sentence. K5 Learning 2019 9 Level Reader The Lost Balloons 1. (answers) Choose the right answer. What did the girls see in the sky? c. balloons What were the balloons doing? c. drifting lazily across the sky Why did the girls track the balloons? a. They were curious about where the balloons came from. 2. Select True or False. 3. If you owned factory, what would you like to make? Write sentence. Answers will vary. K5 Learning 2019 10 Level Reader memories hamster laughs judge tough wood That is Not Hamster am so excited; my mom is finally letting me get hamster! We are at the pet store right now. run straight for the hamster section, where large cage full of furry creatures catches my eye. They are very big and have long, pink tails. pet store worker walks over to me. Those are big hamsters, say. She laughs and tells me that they are not hamsters at all. They are rats! dont like rats, respond. The lady tells me not to judge them so quickly, because they are actually very cool animals. K5 Learning 2019 11 Level Reader She tells me all sorts of interesting things about rats. They will eat different foods, just like humans. Their teeth are so strong they can chew through tough materials like wood. ask the lady if can chew through wood. She tells me that humans arent meant to do that and that rats are very special. also learn that rats have very strong memories. They can remember tastes, faces, and even their own names. Rats must be very smart. She tells me that rats can swim very well. ask if rats need swimming lessons, like do. The lady tells me that they are good swimmers, even without swimming lessons. She also tells me that rats make friends easily. They take good care of their buddies. That makes me smile. care about my friends too! Rats are just like me! say. The pet store worker laughs. She asks me if need any help. nod my head and point towards the hamster section. K5 Learning 2019 12 Level Reader came to buy hamster, say. She waits as take look. The hamsters seem soft and playful, but cant stop thinking about the rats. As walk away from the hamster cages, the worker seems surprised. My finger points to black rat with big eyes and playful smi le. Are you sure? the shop lady asks. The black rat looked me right in the eye. It seemed like he wanted to listen to my answer. Yes, Im sure. The pet store worker is delighted. open up the cage and watch my new rat scuffle around. Hardly anybody chooses rats over hamsters. Rats never seem to get the love they deserve, she says. Well, that changes today! exclaim. K5 Learning 2019 13 Level Reader That is Not Hamster 1. (exercises) Choose the correct answer. Which of the following is not true about rats? a. They are good swimmers. b. They have excellent memory. c. They can play tennis. d. They can chew through wood. In what way are rats like the main character? a. They both chew wood. b. They both took swimming lessons. c. They both care about their friends. d. They both dont like hamsters. Why was the lady happy that the main character chose rat over hamster? a. Rats dont get enough love. b. She wanted the hamsters for herself. c. She wanted to get rid of the rat. d. The rat was fighting with the other rats in the cage. K5 Learning 2019 14 Level Reader 2. Circle the correct choice in the sentences below. Rats teeth are very weak strong ). Rats take (good bad of their friends. The worker was delighted upset that the rat was chosen over the hamster. Rats have long pink purple tails. 3. Would you choose rat over hamster? Answer below in complete sentence. K5 Learning 2019 15 Level Reader That is Not Hamster 1. (answers) Choose the correct answer. Which of the following is not true about rats? c. They can play tennis. In what way are rats like the main character c. They both care about their friends Why was the lady happy that the main character chose rat over hamster? a. Rats dont get enough love. 2. Circle the correct choice in the sentences below 3. Would you choose rat over hamster? Answer below in complete sentence. Answers will vary. K5 Learning 2019 16 Level Reader character inventor height audience appear shape Famous Inventors You Never Heard Of We all know that Alexander Graha Bell invented the telephone. Lots of people will tell you that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. But who invented the electric guitar or the remote control? There are many inventors who have created important things, but no one knows their names. If you like music, you will agree the electric guitar is an important invention! It was invented by George Beauchamp. The first electric guitar had round body and long neck. People called it the frying pan. It looked very silly, but it was louder so an audience could hear it better. Today, electric guitars come in many shapes and colors. K5 Learning 2019 17 Level Reader Another popular invention is the remote control. It was invented in 1955 by Eugene Polley. It was shaped like ray gun. People loved to stay home and watch their favorite shows. With remote control, they didnt have to stand up to change the channel. You could say it was the beginning of the couch potato! You probably dont know the name Ruth Handler. bet you recognize the name of her invention, though. She created Barbie. The first Barbie doll was made in 1959. Since then, over billion dolls have been sold. Barbie has had many jobs, like doctor and rock star. Barbie is only 11.5 inches tall, but she is one of the most famous characters in the world. K5 Learning 2019 18 Level Reader Nearly every kitchen has microwave oven. bet your kitchen has one, too. The microwave oven was invented about 70 years ago by Percy Spencer. It took while for the microwave oven to catch on as it was very big and expensive. Like most new inventions, over time it got better and cheaper and now millions of people have them. Do you have favorite toy? Wh at about machine you use every day? Do you know who invented it? K5 Learning 2019 19 Level Reader Famous Inventors You Never Heard Of (exercises) 1. 2. Match the name to the thing they invented. George Beauchamp Barbie Ruth Handler telephone Alexander Graham Bell remote control Eugene Polley electric guitar Circle the correct answer. What does an inventor do? a. b. c. d. counts items on shelves plays guitar in band watches TV all the time creates new items that people can use couch potato might be: a. b. c. d. pet potato that sits beside you on the couch person who spends lots of time on the couch watching TV an item for sale at McDonalds another name for the remote control K5 Learning 2019 20 Level Reader The first electric guitar was nicknamed the: a. b. c. d. 3. boombox baking sheet frying pan ukulele Describe and draw something you would like to invent. K5 Learning 2019 21 Level Reader Famous Inventors You Never Heard Of (answers) 1. Match the name to the thing they invented. 2. Circle the correct choice in the sentences below What does an inventor do? d. creates new items that people can use couch potato might be: b. person who spends lots of time on the couch watching TV The first electric guitar was nicknamed the: c. frying pan 3. Describe and draw something you would like to invent. Answers will vary. K5 Learning 2019 22 Level Reader encouraged bounce courage lonely Bruno the Bouncing Guinea Pig There was once guinea pig called Bruno. When he was old enough, he moved from the pet shop to cute tiny house in garden. In that same garden lived three rabbits: Choco Pop, Blueberry and Cupcake. Who is that? said surprised Cupcake hen she saw Bruno stick his nose out of his house. dont know, but hes not like us. He doesnt have tail, and his face is striped, replied Choco Pop. He looks grumpy! Im sure he doesnt want to be our friend, added Blueberry. K5 Learning 2019 23 Level Reader The three rabbi ts jumped away from Bruno. Blueberry was wrong. Bruno would have loved to be friends with them. He looked grumpy because he was lonely. He frowned because he did not like to be all alone. Bruno spent every day watching the rabbits and thinking about how he could become friends with them. He noticed that they liked to race each other by jumping from one end of the garden to the other. If only could jump like them, thought Bruno. They would like me then! Unfortunately, Bruno could not jump like rabbit because his legs were too short. He was afraid to try. What if the rabbits laugh at me? he groaned. Then, one day, he plucked up his courage and decided to just try his best. He ran as fast as he could and bounced up. He did not bounce very high but Choco Pop, Blueberry and Cupcake were amazed. K5 Learning 2019 24 Level Reader Wow! they all yelled at once. Encouraged by the rabbits excitement, Bruno did it again and again. Look! He can jump, said Choco Pop. No, he bounces like ball, added Blueberry. No, he pops like popcorn, yelled Cupcake. The rabbits hopped over to Bruno, and they all raced to the other side of the garden. The rabbits jumped and Bruno bounced across the grass. Were not that different afte all; we like to do the same things, said Blueberry. Since that day, Bruno was not lonely anymore K5 Learning 2019 25 Level Reader Bruno the Bouncing Guinea Pig 1. 2. (exercises) True (T) or False (F)? Circle the right answer. Bruno has tail Brunos face is striped. In the garden, there are four rabbits. Pick the correct answer. Where did Bruno live before moving to the garden? a. in zoo b. in pet shop c. in forest What are the names of the three rabbits a. Choco Pop, Blueberry and Ice Cream b. Cupcake, Bubblegum and Choco Pop c. Choco Pop, Blueberry and Cupcake K5 Learning 2019 26 Level Reader At first, the three rabbits didnt want to be friends with Bruno because: 3. a. They thought he was different from them b. He looked like popcorn. c. He played with all the balls in the garden Write 1, 2, 3 and 4 to put the events from the story in order. The rabbits saw Bruno for the first time. Bruno learned how to bounce. The rabbits and Bruno jumped together. Bruno arrived in the garden. K5 Learning 2019 27 Level Reader Bruno the Bouncing Guinea Pig (answers) 1. True (T) or False (F)? Circle the right answer. 2. Pick the correct answer. Where did Bruno live before moving to the garden? b. in pet shop What are the names of the three rabbits? c. Choco Pop, Blueberry and Cupcake At first the three rabbits didnt want to be friends with Bruno because: c. They thought he was different from them 3. Write 1, 2, 3 and 4 to put the events from the story in order. 2 The rabbits saw Bruno for the first time. 3 Bruno learned how to bounce. 4 The rabbits and Bruno jumped together. 1 Bruno arrived in the garden. K5 Learning 2019 28 Level Reader Olympics country sport represent athlete medal The Winter Olympics Imagine being an athlete in the Winter Olympics. Thousands of people would be cheering for you. Millions more would be watching you on TV. You would be one of the best athletes in the world. You might even win gold medal! The Winter Olympics take place every four years. Athletes from all over the world compete in different winter sports. On the first day, there is parade with athletes from each country walking together and carrying their flag. Which country would you be representing? K5 Learning 2019 29 Level Reader There are many events at the Winter Olympics. Some happen inside and some happen outdoors. There are indoor sports like hockey, speed skating and curling. There are outdoor sports like skiing and snowboarding. Which winter sport is your favorite? Over 90 countries send their best athletes to compete at the Winter Olympics. The athletes spend years training for the Olympics. They spend hours each day exercising and practicing their own sport. It takes lot of hard work to get to the Olympics. Athletes also take very good care of their bodies. They only eat foods that are good for them. They make sure that they get lot of sleep and rest. They have to be strong and healthy to compete with the best. K5 Learning 2019 30 Level Reader At the Olympics, athletes win gold medal for placing first. Second place gets silver medal and third place gets bronze medal. The three winners stand on podium, which is like small stage. Their medals are placed around their necks. Flags are raised for all three winners. The national anthem is played for the gold medalist. It is very big honor to win an Olympic medal. Can you imagine what it would be like to have the crowd clapping and cheering for you as you receive your medal? K5 Learning 2019 31 Level Reader The Winter Olympics 1. (exercises) Name three sports that take place at the Winter Olympics. 2. Match the medal you win to the position you finish in an event: first silver second bronze third gold K5 Learning 2019 32 Level Reader 3. Pick the right answers. Athletes prepare for the Olympics by a. training and practicing every day b. watching TV c. playing video games Athletes eat lot of: a. potato chips b. candy and chocolate c. fruits and vegetables Each Olympic athlete represents his or her own: a. school b. country c. club K5 Learning 2019 33 Level Reader The Winter Olympics 1. (answers) Name three sports that take place at the Winter Olympics. Answers may include skiing, snowboarding. 2. Match the medal you win to the position you finish in an event: 3. Pick the right answers. Athletes prepare for the Olympics by: a. training and practicing every day Athletes eat lot of: c. fruits and vegetables Each Olympic athlete represents his or her own: b. country K5 Learning 2019 34 Level Reader adventure creature dragon incredible science Moon Where do Wills Stories Come From? Will always told his friends incredible stories. He told stories about climbing mountains and swimming in oceans. He even knew what it was like on the Moon! Wills friends loved to hear his stories. They wondered how he knew such interesting things. How do you know what an alligator feels like? they asked. How do you know how hot Mars is? someone else wanted to know. Everything know, read in book, answered Will. Will invited his friends to the library. There he showed his friends his favorite books. K5 Learning 2019 35 Level Reader Some books were about magic. They had stories about creatures like flying dragons. Other books were about science. This book tells you about where rain comes from, Will said. Will even found books with nothing but pictures. Pictures are good because they show us things, Will explained. Do you know what red panda looks like? he asked. They looked at picture of an animal that was reddishbrown. It was eating bamboo. It looked so cute and cuddly, but it looked more like raccoon than panda! Will and his friends looked at books all day. They learned new things and imagined new ideas. They also decided to write some books of their own. K5 Learning 2019 36 Level Reader Wouldnt it be fun, Will exclaimed, to write our own books? Then our ideas could inspire others! It was lots of fun making up their own stories. They learned new things about each other. Stephanie was very good at writing funny stories. Jeremy enjoyed writing tales of adventure. Hannah wrote stories that took place long time ago. Nobody knew Hannah liked history so much! Each of Wills friends learned great lesson. Books teach you all kinds of interesting things. Reading also inspires you to share new ideas with your friends and write your own books. K5 Learning 2019 37 Level Reader Where do Wills Stories Come From? (exercises) 1. Choose the correct answer. Will took his friends to: a. the movie theatre b. the library c. the ocean d. the Moon What do you think the word ‘incredible means? a. amazing or exciting b. boring or dull c. ordinary or normal In what kind of book would you learn about rain? a. math book b. science book c. book about dragons K5 Learning 2019 38 Level Reader 2. Match the childs name with the type of book they liked to write. 3. Stephanie history Jeremy funny Hannah adventure Wills friends think red pandas are cute. How do they look different from regular pandas? K5 Learning 2019 39 Level Reader Where do Wills Stories Come From? (answers) 1. Choose the correct answer. Will took his friends to: b. the library What do you think the word ‘incredible means? a. amazing or exciting In what kind of book would you learn about rain? b. science book 2. Match the childs name with the type of book they liked to write. 3. Wills friends think red pandas are cute. How do they look different from regular pandas? Red pandas are reddish-brown, and they look more like raccoons than panda bears. K5 Learning 2019 40 Level Reader communicate scientists language fungi Talking Trees Lots of creatures communicate with one another. Bees talk to each other by dancing. Wolves talk to each other by howling. Whales sing to one another under the water. What about trees? Trees dont seem very chatty. They dont dance or howl or sing. Sometimes, you might hear tree fall down and make loud noise. Or you might hear their leaves rustling in the wind. Most of the time, trees stand very still and are very quiet. However, scientists have discovered something new. As it turns out, trees are actually very talkative. Trees communicate with each other under the ground. K5 Learning 2019 41 Level Reader Trees in forest dont look connected, but they actually are. Under the soil, they have long roots. These roots are connected by web of stringy fungi. Fungi are special living things which are not plants or animals. Mushrooms are type of fungi. Trees talk to each other using this web of fungi. Scientists call this the Wood Wide Web. So, what do trees talk about? Trees talk to each other about many of the same things that humans talk to each other about. Trees warn each other when there are dangers nearby, like bark-eating insects. They also tell each other when they need more sunlight or water. K5 Learning 2019 42 Level Reader Trees are also very good at sharing. Just like parents feed their kids dinner, older trees help younger trees grow. Older trees send food to the younger trees through the Wood Wide Web. Scientists used to think that trees were greedy and tried to keep all the sunlight and water for themselves. Actually, trees share with other rees to make sure that every tree has enough. So, the next time youre out for walk in the forest, say hello to tree. It might understand more than you think! K5 Learning 2019 43 Level Reader Talking Trees 1. (exercises) Choose the correct answer. What did the scientists discover about trees? a. They like to dance. b. They dont like mushrooms. c. They talk to each other. d. They have leaves. How do trees talk to each other? a. howling b. dancing c. singing d. through the Wood Wide Web What do trees talk about? a. They warn each other about insects b. They tell each other when they need more sunlight. c. They tell each other when they need more nutrients. d. All of the above. K5 Learning 2019 44 Level Reader 2. 3. True or False? Circle the correct answer. Bees talk to each other by howling. True False Older trees help younger trees grow True False Scientists used to think trees were greedy. True False Older trees tell bedtime stories to younger trees. True False Fill in the blanks with words from the story A. Tree roots are connected by stringy . B. Trees with other trees to make sure that every tree has enough. C. Trees secretly with each other under the ground. D. Scientists have something new. K5 Learning 2019 45 Level Reader Talking Trees 1. (answers) Choose the correct answer. What did the scientists discover about trees? c. They talk to each other. How do trees talk to each other? d. through the Wood Wide Web What do trees talk about? d. All of the above. 2. True or false? Circle the correct answer. 3. Fill in the blanks with words from the story A. Tree roots are connected by stringy B. Trees share with other trees to make sure that every tree has enough. C. Trees secretly communicate other under the ground. D. Scientists have new. discovered K5 Learning 2019 fungi with each something 46 Level Reader pajamas dinosaur dentist nervous cavities poster Dentist for Dinosaurs woke up early this morning in my Pterodactyl pajamas and rubbed my eyes. My mom drew back the curtains and announced, Today, you are going to the dentist! brushed my teeth for an extra -long time. didnt want the dentist to be mad at me. As we drove to the dentists office, felt little nervou s. When it was my turn, climbed into the dentist chair. The dentist was very nice. She said, Im going to count your teeth. lay back. There was poster of cartoon dinosaur on the ceiling above the chair. The dinosaur was smiling at me with huge, shiny white teeth. think he winked at me, but Im not sure. K5 Learning 2019 47 Level Reader stretched my mouth wide open, and the dentist poked at each of my teeth. It didnt hurt at all. When she was done, the dentist gave me package of stickers and new toothbrush. No cavities! She even took my picture to hang up on the wall. ran my tongue over my teeth. They felt so slick and clean. On the ride home, asked, Do dinosaurs ever get cavities? My mom laughed and responded, Only if they eat too much candy. Im going to be dentist for dinosaurs when grow up, announced. My mom said that sounded like great idea. K5 Learning 2019 48 Level Reader When got home, started planning. Dinosaurs are bigger than humans, so my dentist chair would need to be big. Really big! In fact, it would need to be huge! If Brontosaurus came in, might even have to use ladder. drew picture of myself counting T. rexs teeth. Right before bed, showed it to Mom. She said, Some people might be scared to put their hand in T. rexs mouth. Not me, said. Ill make friends with all the dinosaurs so they wont bite me, and Ill give them stickers for being brave. Youre the bravest dinosaur dentist know She grinned. Mom tucked me in under my dinosaur sheets and kissed my forehead. She turned out the lights. usually count sheep to fall asleep. Tonight, closed my eyes and counted Brontosaurus teeth instead. K5 Learning 2019 49 Level Reader Dentist for Dinosaurs 1. (exercises) Choose the correct answer. By the end of the story, the main character has decided to become dentist for . a. dragons b. dinosaurs c. cats d. humans Which of the following did the dentist not give to the main character? a. stickers b. new toothbrush c. dinosaur costume How many cavities did the main character have a. 1 b. 3 c. 25 d. 0 K5 Learning 2019 50 Level Reader 2. Answer the questions below. What kind of pajamas was the main character wearing? What did Mom announce in the morning? What was on the ceiling of the dentists office? 3. Can you match the dinosaur to his picture? Pterodactyl Brontosaurus T. rex K5 Learning 2019 51 Level Reader Dentist for Dinosaurs 1. (answers) Choose the correct answer. By the end of the story, the main character had decided to become dentist for . b. dinosaurs Which of the following did the dentist not give to the main character? c. dinosaur costume How many cavities did the main character have? d. 0 2. Answer the questions below. What kind of pajamas was the main character wearing? Pterodactyl What did Mom announce in the morning? Today, you are going to the dentist! What was on the ceiling of the dentists office? poster of cartoon dinosaur. 3. Can you match the dinosaur to his picture? K5 Learning 2019 52 Level Reader champion football famous television practice dollars The Super Bowl Every year on winter Sunday, there is big football game. It is the most-watched television show of the year. The winner of this game becomes the champion. This game is called the Super Bowl. The first Super Bowl was played about 50 years ago. The Green Bay Packers took on the Kansas City Chiefs. ticket to the game cost six dollars. There were cheerleaders and marching bands at halftime. Many people watched the game on television. Others listened to it on the radio. Both teams wanted badly to win the game. Both teams practiced lot. Both teams worked hard, but only one team could win. K5 Learning 2019 53 Level Reader Green Bay won the game and became the champions. Green Bays coach was named Vince Lombardi. Vince Lombardi had famous saying. He said, Winners never quit, and quitters never win. It was good advice. He helped his team win five championships. Vince Lombardi team also won the second Super Bowl. Ever since then, the team that wins the Super Bowl gets trophy. It is called the Vince Lombardi Trophy. The Super Bowl became more and more popular. The tickets became more expensive. The half-time shows became bigger. More and more people watched on television. Super Bowl Sunday has almost become national holiday. People gather together with friends to watch the big game. K5 Learning 2019 54 Level Reader In the week before the game many fun events are held. One year they had an event called Puppy Bowl. Puppies divided into Team Ruff and Team Fluff competed to win the Vince Lombarky Trophy. The 49th Super Bowl was the most-watched television program in history. People paid th ousands of dollars for tickets. Famous pop stars sang songs at halftime. People talked about the game for weeks. Some things have not changed, though. The teams still have to practice lot. They still ha ve to work very hard. As Vince Lombardi also said, The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary K5 Learning 2019 55 Level Reader The Super Bowl 1. (exercises) Choose the correct answer. The Super Bowl is . a. basketball game b. cooking contest c. football game d. baseball game The Super Bowl trophy is called . a. the Stanley Cup. b. the K5 Learning Trophy. c. the Vince Lombardi Trophy. d. the Big Football Game Trophy. The first Super Bowl was won by . a. Team Ruff. b. Team Fluff. c. the Green Bay Packers. d. the Kansas City Chiefs. K5 Learning 2019 56 Level Reader 2. Answer these questions about the first Super Bowl. What did ticket cost? What kind of band did they have at halftime Was the game on TV, the radio, or both 3. Fill in the blanks to the Vince Lombardi quotes Winners never quit and never . The only place success comes before work is in the . K5 Learning 2019 57 Level Reader The Super Bowl 1. (answers) Choose the correct answer. The Super Bowl is . c. football game The Super Bowl trophy is called . c. the Vince Lombardi Trophy. The first Super Bowl was won by . c. 2. the Green Bay Packers. Answer these questions about the first Super Bowl. What did ticket cost? Six dollars. What kind of band did they have at halftime A marching band. Was the game on TV, the radio, or both Both. 3. Fill in the blanks to the Vince Lombardi quotes Winners never quit and quitters never win The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary K5 Learning 2019 58 Level Reader combed special haircut patient scissors mirror Please Wait Today was the first day of school, and my friend Jody had new haircut. It looked so cool. When got home, asked my mom for haircut, and told her exactly how wanted it. asked her, very politely, Could you please do it today? Sadly, she was busy. She told me that it takes long time to cut hair. First, you have to take bath so that your hair is wet. Then, you have to brush it out really well, she said. My face dropped as my mom continued. Finally, when you cut, you have to use special scissors, and cut very gently so that everything is even Her voice trailed off. K5 Learning 2019 59 Level Reader You need to be very careful and get it just right. If you make mistake, you cant glue the hair back on, she said, laughing. didnt think it was very funny. Maybe can cut it for you on the weekend, she told me. went back to my room and looked at my hair in the mirror. It was way too long, and didnt want to go back to school looking like this. thought about what Mom had told me. She said to take bath first, but already took one this morning. Then she said to brush my hair, so gave it quick brush. Mom had said to use special scissors. got my school scissors out of my desk. If they could cut paper, they could cut hair! K5 Learning 2019 60 Level Reader looked in the mirror again and paused. Moms comment that you cant glue it back on again made me worry little. decided to cut off just little hair. Snip. Snip. Snip. watched some hair float to the floor. looked in the mirror, and one side was shorter than the other. Snip. Snip. Snip. looked again, but now the other side was shorter! Snip. Snip. Snip. It was still wrong. Snip. Snip. Snip. kept trying to fix things, but the more cut, the more lopsided and crooked my hair became. started to cry. Mom walked in. She looked at my new haircut. She shook her head and didnt say anything. dont like it when she doesnt say anything. K5 Learning 2019 61 Level Reader Are you mad because it ugly? asked. No, Im disappointed because you were not patient. am disappointed that you did not wait for me, she replied. went into the bathroom and took bath. My mom brushed my hair out, then clipped gently with her special scissors. It wasnt perfect, but it was much better. My mom smiled as she combed my hair one last time. All good things come to those who wait, she said. K5 Learning 2019 62 Level Reader Please Wait 1. (exercises) Choose the correct answer. Why did the girl want to cut her hair? a. She was bored with her hair. b. Her best friend got new haircut that she liked. c. She didnt want hair anymore. d. She wanted to annoy her mom. Why did the girls mom ask her to wait? a. She did not want to cut her daughters hair. b. She was not in the mood. c. She was busy. d. She wanted her daughter to cut her own hair. What lesson did the girl learn at the end of the story? a. Do not steal. b. Be kind to others. c. Be respectful toward your parents. d. Be patient. K5 Learning 2019 63 Level Reader 2. Circle the correct choice in the sentences below. The girl wanted to make her hair longer shorter ). Her best friends hair was cool awful ). The result was amazing terrible when the girl cut her own hair. Mom was angry disappointed that her daughter cut her own hair. 3. Fill in the blanks with the steps for good haircut Take, so that your is. your really well. hair with scissors. Did the girl follow these steps when she cut her own hair?. K5 Learning 2019 64 Level Reader Please Wait 1. (answers) Choose the correct answer. Why did the girl want to cut her hair? b. Her best friend got new haircut that she liked. Why did the girls mom ask her to wait? c. She was busy. What lesson did the girl learn at the end of the story? d. Be patient. 2. Circle the correct choice in the sentences below. 3. Fill in the blanks with the steps for good haircut. Take bath Brush your Cut hair so that your hair hair is wet really well. very gently with special scissors. Did the girl follow these steps when she cut her own hair? No. K5 Learning 2019 65 More from K5 Learning Math Workbooks We carry comprehensive range of kindergarten to grade 7 math workbooks, organized by subject matter and grade level. Highly recommended! Levelled Readers Our online bookstore carries full series of levelled readers from the kindergarten to grade 6 level, available for download and printing. Grammar, Vocabulary and Spelling Workbooks We have grammar, vocabulary and spelling workbooks for grades 1-5. We also have cursive writing workbooks and phonics and sight words flashcards. Visit the store at Free Worksheets We have thousands of free reading and math worksheets on our site for kindergarten through grade 5 students. Just download and print; no registration required.