Arbeitsblatt: Writing Assignment Famous Person
Writing Assignment famous person
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7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Marius Säuberli
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Writing Assignment 1 Famous person Name: Section Due Date: Choose famous person (a singer, author, poet, etc). Read about his/her life, and then write paragraph (10-12 lines) about him/her including information that answers the following questions: Resources: you can use information you can find anywhere in books, magazines, etc or you can find different information in the following sites: The paragraph should include the following information: The famous persons name. When and where he/she was born When and where he/she died He may be still alive! Write three sentences about his life. (his jobs, where he grew up, etc) Why do you like this famous person? Why did you choose to write about him/her? 6- Why is he/she famous? Describe the person!! 12345- 7- How did this person become famous? 8- Name three Major Accomplishments (movies, hit songs, albums, awards). 9- What is the best thing you like about him? (It could be song, poem, etc) and why? Make sure that you submit the assignment on time! Make sure that you write in form of Thank you luck! Good