Arbeitsblatt: Christmas Treasure Hund


Christmas Treasure Hunt für das Schulhaus.
Gemischte Themen
1 Seiten




anna sch
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Christmas Treasure Hunt You are going to hide small treasure somewhere on the Pestalozzi Areal 1. You think of place you could hide your treasure. 2. You write an instruction for your classmates on how they can find the treasure (handwriting). 3. Include giving directions vocabulary. 4. Give at least 15 – 20 instructions. 5. Structure and design your instructions nicely. 6. Bring and hide treasure. 7. Be creative and have fun! Do you remember the giving directions Vocabulary? Let find out! Beige links rechts ab go straight ahead gehe zurück go along lauf am WC vorbei cross the hallway It on the corner es ist in der Ecke The easiest way is to The best way is to near vorne vor dir between hinten gegenüber forward vorwärts floor Stock cupboard Gestell soccerfield Fussballplatz showcase Vitrine groundfloor EG straight on gerade aus reach erreichen fence Zaun description Let go!