Arbeitsblatt: Englisch Test New World 2 Unit 1


Englisch Test 6. Klasse
6. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Gaetano Salvatore Di Mare
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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ENGLISH TEST ENGLISH TEST II – ORAL TEST 6 G.S. Di Mare th class Name: Points: Date: Part 1 – my favourite jeans wash and wear Am Sonntag legt meine Mutter die sauberen Jeans zurück in den Schrank. Am Montag trage ich meine Jeans in der Schule. On Sunday my mom puts my clean jeans in the wardrobe./2 On Monday wear my jeans to school./2 Am Dienstag trage ich meine Jeans beim On Tuesday play football in my Fussball. jeans. Am Mittwoch legt meine Mutter die dreckige Jeans On Wednesday my mum puts the in die Waschmaschine. dirty jeans in the washmashine. Am Donnerstag sind meine sauberen Jeans an On Thursday, my clean Jeans dry der Wäscheleine. on the washing line Am Freitag sind meine trockene Jeans im Kleiderschrank. On Friday my dry jeans are in the wardrobe/2/2/2/2 /12 pag. 1 ENGLISH TEST G.S. Di Mare ENGLISH TEST II – VOCAB AND GRAMMAR TEST 6 Name: th class Points: Date: Part 1 –past simple ENGLISH PRESENT to be ENGLISH PAST SIMPLE DEUTSCH INFINITIV You He/ She It We You They We/ 2points have gehen gave make beginnen come wore werden/10.5 pag. 2 ENGLISH TEST G.S. Di Mare Part 2 –past simple in sentences 1.) Yesterday my mom (go) in the shopping mall and (look) for new jumper. 2.) My family (move) in 2014 to Barcelona. 3.) Mr. Di Mare (to be) born in 2001. 4.) Levi Strauss (to be) the man who (make) jeans success story. 5.) Once, Mr. Beck and Mr. Di Mare (play) tennis in Utzenstorf. 6.) Im so sorry, but the train (come) too late. 7.) wonder why nobody (resolve) the problem. 8.) Mr. Di Mare (give) us English homework. 9.) Mr. Di Mare (see) Marius on the peasant field (Bauernfeld). 10.) Mr. Di Mare (work) in the Gelateria Casa Nobile. /5 Part 3 – a, an or pair of?? beanie pencil case apron fancy lady had umbrella belt socks slips jeans jumper trousers oversized shirt /6 Part 3 – some, sometimes and something This is you wear in the winter when it is cold. It is very useful and gives you warm. there is hood (Kapuze) and is very comfortable (bequem) and warm up your ears. people like wearing it outside, but people wear this also at home. What is it? /3 pag. 3 ENGLISH TEST G.S. Di Mare BEURTEILUNG Mündlich /12 Schriftlich / 24.5 Total /36.5 NOTE: pag. 4